Quickly build a website to showcase your creative work.

Portfolio website displayed on a desktop computer and mobile phone.

Choose a layout

Open www.myportfolio.com in a web browser and sign in with your Adobe ID and password. Scroll down and click Create Your Portfolio, and then choose a layout from the existing options.

Now that your Portfolio is under way, click Edit your Portfolio to add media and modify it. You can also change the layout at any point without losing your work.

On the Adobe Portfolio site, a layout is selected for creating an online portfolio.

Build a project

You can group related images, video, and other media together as a project. Click the plus (+) icon in the toolbar and choose Project from the content type options. Type a name and click Create Project. Click Continue in the next explanatory screen.

Note: Behance projects are automatically synced to your Portfolio.

Projects are added to the online portfolio by clicking the + sign, selecting the type of content, and naming the project.

Upload media

Use the floating menu to add content to your project. Click Upload Files and choose media directly from your computer. 

You can also embed media from other sources, such as YouTube, directly into your project. Or select items from your Lightroom collections on the web.

Content is added to a project by clicking Upload files from the floating menu, then selecting the type of media.

Add text and reorder page

Click Add Text to add a description or details about your project.

Click the pencil icon next to any of the elements and choose Reorder. In the dialog box that appears, drag the media or text to the order you want. Click Save New Order.

Details about projects are added by clicking Add Text from the floating menu. Edit or reorder by clicking the pencil icon.

Save your project

Click Continue when you are ready to save your project. Select an image thumbnail to use as the cover photo, use the slider to adjust its size, and click Crop & Continue.  

On the next screen, add project details such as the title, description, and keywords. Also indicate whether to publish your work immediately on Behance. Click Create Project.

Note: Your project is only publicly viewable when you select to publish it to Behance, or when you publish your Portfolio.

Click Continue to save project, select cover photo, and add project details such as title, description, and keywords.

Customize your Portfolio

Click Edit Global Styles to customize the style and layout of the text and media featured for your individual project or gallery. Experiment with the settings in the different categories to achieve the overall style you want.

Click Done. If the project looks good, click Update Project and then Return to Home on the status screen that appears.

To edit the global styles for the main Portfolio page, click Return to Home. In the floating menu, click options such as Background, Colors & Font.

Click Edit Global Styles to customize style and layout of individual projects. Return to Home to edit main Portfolio page

Note: To change the layout of your Portfolio, click Return To Home and click Switch Layouts in the
toolbar. Find the layout you want and click Use This Layout to apply it.

In addition to creating projects, you can group multiple projects by category in a gallery. Or, add custom pages for non-project related content such as an About page, or a Contact page. Click Add Content (+) in the toolbar.

Publish your Portfolio

Before you publish your Portfolio, you must have created at least one project or gallery. When you are ready to show your work, click Publish Site to publish your Portfolio to the web.

If you aren't a member with a Photography Plan, Single App, or a full Creative Cloud account, you will be prompted to subscribe to the plan of your choice. Membership is required to publish a portfolio.

After creating at least one project or gallery, click Publish Site to publish your portfolio to the web.

View your work

Click Edit Your Settings from the home page, then select Domain Name to add or modify your Portfolio URL. You can also link to a custom domain.

Once your work is published, see how great it looks on a variety of devices. Be sure to view your Portfolio on mobile, tablet, and desktop browsers. And, be sure to share for others to see!

An online portfolio is displayed on a desktop and mobile phone.

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