21 ธ.ค. 2021
Vignette creation for pattern mapping review
- Create Vignette Import View image.
- Build Object Hierarchy list with flowline objects (nontexturable objects for colorizing only).
- Mask all objects.
- Normalize illumination Map.
- Edit Mesh Objects.
Starting a Mesh Project
A mesh project is defining a Vignette with only "Flowline objects." These Flowline objects allow for the creation of mesh objects with which you can apply tile-able patterns.
Mesh Project workflow
The following is the workflow for a mesh project.
- Pick a "hero" object to start with. This object is usually the visually largest object and one that draws the eye to it. Other objects are created based on the hero object
- Distort mesh to match basic plan of object.
- Add intermediary flowlines for general distortions.
- Add extra flowlines to refine distortions.
- Add individual vertices for ultra-refinement. Don't forget to let the illumination Map influence the eye.
Operation tips
- Press Alt+click to select a masked object and its mesh.
- Press Shift+click to select a flowline.
- Vertical flowlines are blue.
- Horizontal flowlines are green.
- Selected flowlines are red.
- Press Shift+click, and drag to move a flowline.
- Right-click to call a context-sensitive menu.
- Ensure that the mesh is outside the masked area.
Curved surfaces
- Start with the plane closest to the user.
- Add flowlines to pull the mesh back.
- Use the Shift+click operation a lot.
- You can deal with strange overlapping effects using the depth setting for each flowline.
- Flowline tension helps enhance the curve on flowlines
Assign each mesh a size so when you map on a tiled image, it renders at a correct scale.
- rendered pattern scale = mesh size (inches) x pattern ppi (pixels per inch)
Workflow for a mesh
- Click redistribute to normalize any distortion (stretches and squeezes) when you add intermediary flowlines. It helps you judge the width and height of the mesh.
- Know the basic size of object.
- The goal is to see squares and circles. If you are seeing elongated rectangles and ovals, there is an incorrect width-to-height ratio. If the ratio is correct, the click the linked button to help in the next step.
- The mesh size is the overall size of the width/height of the mesh, rather than an individual square/circle in the mesh. The mesh != the mask; therefore, add some buffer.
Applying the sizes for all meshes
- First apply the size to the hero mesh.
- Temporarily apply a texture to the hero mesh (right-click, and then choose Apply Preview Texture).
- Click another mesh and change the size relative to the hero mesh.
- Once the size has been set, apply the preview texture.
- Repeat for every other mesh.
Origin points
- Two Origin points to manage origin point in the mesh (defaults to upper-left corner of the object).
- Origin point in the tiled image (defaults to the center of the image).
- Where these two origin points intersect, determines where a tile begins to render
Texture Material Properties
- There are options in the Image Author Tool for controlling either origin point.
Workflow to correct the origin point
- Select the Mesh tool.
- Set the mesh origin point:
- Drag to move the origin point of the mesh.
- Type the value of the origin point in the right.
- Right-click the hero and select a source object.
- In another mesh, right-click where the meshes intersect, and select Match Default Origin.