Work with layers in InDesign | บทแนะนำ Adobe InDesign
Learn the basics of using layers in Adobe InDesign CC, including how to create, edit, and organize content.


Change the order of content

Explore how to change the order of content using arrange commands.


What you learned: Arrange content in a document

Content you add to an InDesign document is stacked one object on top of another as you add it.

Arrange commands, found in the Arrange menu of the Properties panel, allow you to select content and change its order in the stack.

Different arrange commands bring content on top of or behind other content.

Understand layers

Discover what layers are and why we use them in Adobe InDesign.


What you learned: Understand layers

Layers are like transparent containers for managing content. You can find a document’s layers in the Layers panel (Window > Layers).

Layers contain the graphics, text, or other content that make up a layered file.

Layers are arranged in a stack in the Layers panel. In the document, content on the layers at the top of the Layers panel appears in front of content on layers that are lower in the panel.

Layers allow you to move, edit, hide, lock, and work with content on one layer without affecting content on other layers.

  • To hide a layer, click the eye icon in the Layers panel. Click where the eye icon was to make the layer visible.

Create and edit layers

Learn how to create new layers in the Layers panel for organizing content in your documents.


What you learned: Create and manage layers

  • Choose Window > Layers to open the Layers panel. Each new document starts with a single layer named Layer 1.
  • To rename a layer, double-click the layer name in the Layers panel, type in the new name, and click OK.
  • To create a new layer, click the Create New Layer button at the bottom of the Layers panel.
  • To select a layer, select it in the Layers panel. Drag the layer up or down in the Layers panel to change the order of layered objects in the document.
  • To lock a layer, click the blank area to the right of the eye icon in the Layers panel.


Back to: Multipage documents | Up next: Add interactivity


21 ธันวาคม 2564

Presenter: Brian Wood

Designer: Martin Hoang