InDesign CS6 Release Notes

System requirements

For the latest system requirements visit

Installation instructions

For detailed instructions on installation, visit the installation page

Trial software

Creative Suite 6 trials are "try and buy", allowing you to evaluate individual products or editions and then convert the installed trial to a full version. You can convert from a trial to a full version at any time by either purchasing a copy of the product or signing up for a subscription. If you purchase a copy, enter its serial number in the product screen where prompted. If you purchase a subscription, you are required to be online and to log-in with an Adobe ID to start using your full version.

License agreement

You must accept the license agreement and warranty terms to use this product. Visit for details. This product will not function without mandatory activation and registration via the Internet. Phone activation is not available. See for details.

Adobe's single user license allows installation of a single product license on two machines (such as one work machine and one home machine) provided the software is used by the same individual and not concurrently on both machines.

Note: If you want to install the product on a third computer, you must first deactivate the software on one computer. To deactivate, choose Help > Deactivate.

Font installation

The Creative Suite 6 installer installs fonts into a default system font directory. If the installer finds older versions of these fonts in the default system font directory, it will uninstall the older versions, and save them to a new directory. Learn more at
Fonts installed with the Adobe product are also on your installer DVD. If you downloaded your software, look in the separate product content file.

Find out how to install additional fonts

Known issues

Please refer to Adobe Support for late-breaking information and known issues for all Creative Suite 6 applications.

  • Embedded fonts in EPUB don't work as expected in iBooks because the Apple implementation varies from the EPUB standard. (#2993986)
  • EPUB does not validate if you create a list with custom "li" tags in the Export Tagging dialog box. This is a design limitation. Use InDesign's built in list support rather than create your own. (#3128871)
  • iframes that contain a video player (such as a youtube clip) don't maintain transformations properly on export to EPUB3 with Layout. Transformed videos also don't work in several other formats, such as PDF and SWF. (#3074377)
  • line-height value overrides the leading set in a char style span. InDesign only supports specifying the leading at a paragraph level. (#3000096)
  • Content is duplicated in EPUB output if the document contains an alternate layout. As a workaround, you can use the Articles panel to include only one layout. (#3013951)
  • Mac OS only: If you click Back in the Packaging Font Embed warning dialog box and then continue Packaging, InDesign quits unexpectedly after packaging is complete.(#3163998)
  • Text drop behavior when threaded text boxes are across the spreads is incorrect (#3088856)
  • Objects are not resized correctly and get jumbled-up on marquee drop if the marquee area is too small or if items reach their smallest allowable size limit (#3113636)
  • Story links are not created by the Content Dropper or Place and link command, if a text frame is part of a group placed in a graphic frame container (#3125224)
  • If both Japanese and German versions are installed, the New Document dialog box does not display as expected. If you try and specify Margins and columns, the application quits. (#3111917)
  • Middle-East and North Africa only:The cursor movement gets stuck up in the english text and it does not move to the next word  (#3094633)
  • Sometimes, the application quits unexpectedly if you delete text from a threaded text frames, and the deleted text is part of the normal columns, as well as text that spans and splits columns. (#3152971)
  • Threaded text frame with Auto Size does not refresh properly, when object is anchored inside the one of threaded frame. (#3139955)
  • InDesign quits unexpectedly when you resize a frame which has Keep All lines together applied to the last paragraph (#3142141)
  • Sometimes, buttons placed on master Pages do not work on exporting to PDF (#3146506)
  • Accented characters are not displayed in Text Field in Acrobat (#3148857)
  • Chinese only: The tooltip of object size is shown as Junk Characters (#3152638)
  • Khand Ta Character does not display properly (#3093545)
  • For indic scripts, the post-base form of Ra character does not display properly after conjuncts. (#3097656)
  • For indic scripts, when you insert a non-joiner after a double consonant halant combination, the conjuncts do not display the post-base form (#3103766)
  • Middle Eastern only: EPUB export is not supported for Arabic or Hebrew text documents (#2952023)
  • Middle Eastern only: If you draw a marqee to place content from the content conveyor, drawing the marquee from top-right to bottom-left invokes the flip transform. Draw the marquee from top-left to bottom-right to preserve the text. (#3100627)
  • GB18030 support for Windows XP: In order to support the display of all characters of the Chinese standard GB18030 on Windows XP systems, Adobe recommends the installation of the Microsoft GB18030 Support Package. This support package will update an XP system with, among other things, fonts and input-method-editors (IMEs) to correctly support GB18030. The support package is available as a download from the Microsoft website. (#BG061690)
  • SetNewUIfont and ClearNewUIfont for GB18030-2005 standard support

On Microsoft® Windows® XP, set the registry to enable 4-byte GB18030-2005 characters in the UI by running the registry script file "SetNewUIfont.reg". This will only affect UI in InDesign and not your OS. The registry script is an optional procedure and doesn't need to be run unless there is a need to display 4-byte characters in the UI.

Note:  This workaround will not work for the dialogs managed by the operating system (i.e. Open, Save...etc).

 To set the UI font to enable 4-byte GB18030-2005 characters:

  1. Make sure the Adobe InDesign application is not currently running.
  2. Copy the file "SetNewUIfont.reg" to your desktop. This file may be found on either the Content DVD or the InDesignFamily_8_Content_LS1 as part of an electronic software download package. Locate it in the 简体中文 > 实用组件 > Adobe InDesign CS6 folder.
  3. Double click the "SetNewUIfont.reg" to set the UI font for InDesign.
  4. Launch InDesign again, the UI should be enabled to view 4-byte GB18030-2000 characters in all dialogs managed by InDesign.

To revert the UI font to original settings:

  1. Make sure the Adobe InDesign application is not currently running.
  2. Copy the file "ClearNewUIFont.reg" to your desktop.  This file may be found on either the CS6 Content DVD or the InDesignFamily_8_Content_LS1 as part of an electronic software download package. Locate it in the 简体中文 > 实用组件 > Adobe InDesign CS6 folder.
  3. Double-click the "ClearNewUIFont.reg" to clear the new UI font for InDesign.
  4. Launch InDesign again, the UI should be reset to InDesign standard UI font.

NOTE: The registry script is created to display GB18030 standard 4-byte characters in InDesign UI, and should be run on native Simplified Chinese Win XP.

Online resources

For general Adobe Community visit

To find help on topics related to downloading, installing, and getting started with your software visit


For product help plus community-based instruction, inspiration, and support visit

Customer support

For Adobe Customer Care visit which provides assistance with product information, sales, registration, and other issues.

Outside of North America visit, click on the drop down menu under the question "Need a different country or region?", choose a different country or region, then click GO.

