Adobe Commerce on Managed Services | Product Description

Effective as of November 11, 2024

What is Adobe Commerce on Managed Services?

Adobe Commerce on Managed Services is a platform for delivering eCommerce capabilities, including out-of-the-box features, an ability to customize, and third-party integrations. Adobe Commerce on Managed Services is a technology service hosted on cloud infrastructure which also includes designated expert resources (Customer Success Engineer and Advanced Support Engineer) for enhanced incident escalation management, technical support, and advisory services.


Products and Services
License Metric Deployment
Adobe Commerce on Managed Services
Per Base Package
Managed Services
Adobe Commerce Intelligence
Per Package On-demand Services
Additional Development Environment
Per Each Managed Services
Additional Enhanced Development Environment Per Each Managed Services
Additional Instance Package Package Managed Services
Additional Staging Environment
Per Each Managed Services
Additional Store Views Per Pack of 15 Managed Services
Additional Annual vCPU Days Allowance - Production Environment (per 1,000 vCPU Days)
Per Year
Managed Services
Additional Annual vCPU Days Allowance - Staging Environment (per 1,000 vCPU Days)
Per Year Managed Services
Additional Storage (per 50 gigabytes) Per Year Managed Services
CDN Transfer Capacity (per terabyte)
Per Year Managed Services
Observability Ingest (per terabyte) Per Year Managed Services
Observability Synthetics Monitoring  Per Pack per year Managed Services
Advanced Observability (per terabyte) Per Year Managed Services
Additional Adobe Developer App Builder 
Per Pack per year
On-demand Services
Healthcare Add-on for Adobe Commerce Per Each Managed Services
Order Management for Adobe Commerce* Per Each On-demand Services


1.Adobe Commerce on Managed Services

Licensing. Adobe Commerce on Managed Services is licensed per Base Package.

Base Package means the Adobe Commerce application on a hosted and managed infrastructure platform that is deployed as a Managed Service and includes the following standard features and Service Configuration items:

  • Standard features:
    • TLS:
      • Domain-validated TLS certificate
    • Bundled On-demand Services
  • Service Configuration Items:
    • Observability Platform Allowance. Customer may only use the following monitoring tools made available from Adobe’s observability platform vendor, New Relic (or a successor observability platform vendor), up to the amounts shown in the table below: Application Performance Monitoring (APM), Infrastructure, and Log Monitoring. 
      GMV Tier (or equivalent Order Limit Ingest (TB per year) * Admin Users
      Between $0 and $10 million 5 TB 2
      Between $15 and $50 million 12 TB 3
      Between $75 and $200 million 22 TB 5
      Above $200 million 25 TB 5

               *For the purposes of measuring New Relic ingest for Adobe Commerce only, GB means 1 billion                              bytes and 1 TB means 1,000 GB.

  • The following Service Configuration Item allotments are identified in the Sales Order:
    • Pricing Level
    • Production, Staging, and Development Environments
    • Maximum Annual vCPU Day Allowance - Production Environment
    • Maximum Annual vCPU Day Allowance - Staging Environment
    • Storage Capacity
    • CDN Transfer Allowance
    • Store Views
    • Adobe Developer App Builder packs
  • Expert Resources:
    • Designated expert resources (i.e., Customer Success Engineer and Advanced Support Engineer).

2. Adobe Commerce on Managed Services Upgrades

Adobe Commerce Intelligence – Adobe Commerce Intelligence may be added to an Adobe Commerce on Managed Services Base Package. Adobe Commerce Intelligence is licensed per package which includes the following standard features and Service Configuration items:

  • Standard features:
    • Technical Support
    • Implementation
  • Service Configuration items:
    • Seats: 75
    • Data integrations: Up to 5 standard integrations
    • Import API requests: Up to 1,000 requests per month

3. Adobe Commerce on Managed Services Add-ons.

Adobe Commerce on Managed Services Add-ons. The Adobe Commerce on Managed Services Add-ons listed in the above table may only be added to an Adobe Commerce on Managed Services Base Package. Add-ons may not be used to independently to perform any feature or functions of Adobe Commerce on Managed Services.

Additional Staging Environment. The Service Configuration Item for this Additional Staging Environment add-on is: Maximum Annual vCPU Day Allotment – Staging: 2,190.

Observability Synthetics Monitoring. Observability Synthetics Monitoring is licensed per Pack which includes 100,000 non-ping checks.  

Order Management for Adobe Commerce. The product limitations are described in the product description for Order Management for Adobe Commerce found here:


Adobe Commerce Intelligence means the On-demand Service business intelligence platform that can be purchased as an upgrade to the Base Package and that includes data extraction, data warehousing, data analysis, and data visualization capabilities. Adobe Commerce Intelligence may have access to personally identifiable information or “PII” including things like names and emails of End Users. Adobe Commerce Intelligence operates in a multi-tenant environment outside of the Managed Services environment. As a result, Adobe Commerce Intelligence is subject to the On-demand Services-specific terms under the General Terms, is not provided under the Minimum Uptime Percentage of the associated Managed Services, and is not subject to any Managed Services infrastructure-related backup, storage, encryption, data retention, or support obligations set forth in the Agreement.

Adobe Developer App Builder or App Builder means the unified third-party extensibility framework for integrating and creating custom experiences to extend Adobe solutions and is deployed as an On-demand Service. The Product Description for App Builder is available at

Advanced Support Engineer means a resource who is part of a team that serves as the 24x7 global incident management response for Adobe Commerce on Managed Services.

Average Order Value or AOV means the quotient of (a) the GMV for any given Contract Year; and (b) the number of Transactions during the same Contract Year.

Bundled On-demand Services means the SaaS features and integrations, offered by Adobe at no additional cost and deployed as On-demand Services, that are included as part of the Base Package or may be installed to the Base Package. Bundled On-demand Services operate in multi-tenant environments outside of the Managed Services environment. As a result, such Bundled On-demand Services are subject to the On-demand Services-specific terms under the General Terms, are not provided under the Minimum Uptime Percentage of the associated Managed Services, and are not subject to any Managed Services infrastructure-related backup, storage, encryption, data retention, or support obligations set forth in the Agreement.

Contract Year means the 12 months from the License Term Start Date or each subsequent 12 months thereafter.

Customer Success Engineer means a resource who provides support through the onboarding process lifecycle, including managing provisioning and platform setup, providing advisory services on architectural principles for integrations and Customer Customizations, supporting the Adobe Commerce on Managed Services upgrade process, and supporting event management.

Development Environment or Enhanced Development Environment means the non-production environment for performing development functions.

Gross Merchandise Value or GMV means the total value of all Transactions processed through any Customer Sites during any given Contract Year, excluding (a) any shipping, handling, and customs costs charged to End Users; (b) any taxes Customer collects from End Users as part of any Transaction; and (c) any financing charges and interest for installments charged to End Users. Transactions may be denominated in different currencies, but the value of all Transactions shall be converted to USD for reconciliation purposes at the end of each Contract Year to determine Customer’s actual GMV and actual AOV, if applicable. This currency reconciliation will not impact what global currency Customer is to be invoiced in.

Maximum Annual vCPU Day Allowance means the maximum number of vCPU Days that Customer may consume in any Contract Year. Adobe may analyze Customer’s vCPU usage and allocate resources to optimize Customer’s annual usage and mitigate the risk of exceeding the Maximum Annual VCPU Day Allowance. If required, Customer may purchase additional vCPU Days to increase the allowance.

Order Limit means the total number of all Transactions processed through any Customer Sites during any given Contract Year.

Pricing Level means the GMV and AOV tiers, Order Limit, or other pricing tier.

Production Environment means any environment that is (i) used to generate and/or process online revenue; or (ii) is exposed to the public internet for use by End Users.

Service Configuration Items means the infrastructure and usage limits that relate to Customer’s configuration of the Products and Services. If Customer exceeds a Service Configuration Item allotment, Adobe will work with Customer to remedy the issue leading to overusage. If Customer continues to exceed a Service Configuration Item allotment, Customer will be required to license additional capacity.

Staging Environment means any environment that is set-up as a replica of a Production Environment for use to test code, builds, and updates to ensure quality under a production-like environment before application deployment in a Production Environment. Staging Environments cannot be used as a Production Environment, used to handle live Transactions or traffic, or be exposed to the public internet for use by End Users.

Storage means the total combined storage available, at any one time, for all active data in each Base Package, if any. Storage may include object storage and solid-state drive storage as necessary for the efficient operation of the Managed Services at a ratio specified solely by Managed Services standard operating procedure.

Store View means a view of a Customer Site with a unique theme, layout, design, language, localization, display currency, or display of products. Each Customer Site uses at least one Store View.

Transaction means any order placed by an End User through the Products and Services, by whatever means, that is accepted and/or processed by the Products and Services, (a) even if such order is later subject to a refund, return, chargeback or any other reversal, voluntary or involuntary and (b) regardless of whether Customer receives any payment for such order.

vCPU Day means one virtual CPU used for one calendar day.

