Adobe Workfront | Product description

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Effective as of 15 November 2024

What is Adobe Workfront?

Adobe Workfront is a cloud-based enterprise work management solution that helps teams and organizations plan, track, and manage their work efficiently. It is designed to streamline planning and orchestration, project management, collaboration, and resource management, aided by the power of AI and automation, all in service of building and delivering a marketing system of record.

Workfront Planning provides a central platform for creating and managing addressable work data. The application allows the Customer to create custom work records, aggregate various data sources, and connect records via an operational graph – to create high value data visualizations like dynamic briefs, timelines, spreadsheet style tables, and calendars.

Workfront Fusion allows the Customer to connect business-critical systems and applications, create custom workflows, and automate tasks to accelerate work.

Workfront Data Connect is a secure and scalable way for the Customer to connect business intelligence tools and other data processing/cloud-data-hosting services to a curated Adobe Workfront data set hosted by Adobe to drive business decisions.


License Metric

Workfront - Select 

Per User per year

Workfront - Prime 

Per User per year

Workfront - Ultimate

 Per User per year


License Metric

Workfront Planning

Per Standard User per year

Workfront Planning Plus

Per Standard User per year

Workfront Data Connect

Per Each (See below)

Workfront Fusion 

Per 1,000 Operations per month

Additional Storage 

Per Terabyte per year

HIPAA-Ready Package 

Per User per year (See below)

Bring Your Own Key (BYOK)

Per Each

Adobe Workfront Packages – Select, Prime, and Ultimate

Each Workfront package includes Standard Features, defined as work management, reporting and analytics, asset review/approval/proofing, demand management, resource management, Workfront AI Assistant (basic functions), and standard integrations. The Standard Features include REST API Access (limited to 3,000 actions per license every 24 hours), as well as event subscriptions (limited to 3,000 subscriptions per license every 24 hours). Standard Features also include 30 GB of data storage per license and one (1) custom refresh sandbox environment. Additional features are included based on the package licensed by Customer:

Adobe Workfront Package



Standard Features


Prime features include all Standard Features plus the following:

  • Advanced enterprise controls
  • Advanced security
  • Strategic portfolio planning
  • Unlimited APIs & event subscriptions
  • 60 GB of storage per license
  • An additional (total of two) custom refresh sandbox environment


Unlimited features include all Prime Features plus the following:

  • Workfront Fusion automation and integrations with automations not subject to the standard limit (see below for details)
  • Workfront Data Connect (Ultimate version) (Available in Q4 2024)

In addition to the Workfront Packages described above, Customer can purchase professional services packages based on standard package pricing.

Entitlements and Product Limitations

Scoping Parameters

The User types (External User, Contributor User, Light User, Standard User) include the following functions:

Adobe Workfront Package



External User Features:

  • View and review content (proofs and documents)
  • Download documents
  • View reports and dashboards
  • View calendars
  • Capped content approvals (proofs and documents)


Contributor User Features include all External User Features plus the following:

  • Submit requests
  • Track progress and collaborate on work/requests
  • View project plan, document details, and timeline
  • View portfolio and program
  • Receive work assignment notifications
  • Review and approve work projects, tasks, and issues
  • View work via mobile apps
  • Access boards


Light User Features include all Contributor User Features plus the following:

  • Access connected boards
  • View project plan and timeline
  • Content approvals not subject to cap (proofs and documents)
  • Track time and submit timesheets
  • Approve timesheets


Standard User Features include all Light User Features plus the following:

  • Create work tasks
  • Complete assigned work tasks
  • Create and manage projects
  • Create and manage request queues
  • Create automated approval workflows
  • Create custom forms
  • Create templates
  • Access portfolio and program management
  • Access resource management and capacity planning
  • Create/distribute reports and dashboards
  • Generate digital proofs

Performance Guardrails

Workfront Planning: In Workfront Planning, common data structure, custom records, connected records, and data visualization allow users to solve for frequent use cases; these include unifying work data across the operational lifecycle, strategic planning, campaign tracking and management, and work data customization. Each Workfront Planning package includes all core features, defined as the ability to create workspaces, the ability to create custom records, manage records, connect records, model records, the ability to ingest documents for record creation, and the ability to create and share views. In Workfront Planning, a “Workspace” is a centralized location for teams to define their operations; a Workspace is a collection of “Record Types” (object types defined by Customer) used by a team and represents the team’s work lifecycle. A “Record” is an item of a defined Record Type in the Workspace (e.g. a “Campaign” can be a Record Type, and “Summer Campaign for EMEA” can be a Record in the Workspace of that Record Type).

Workfront Planning is available in two separate package levels: Planning & Planning Plus. Planning Packages are differentiated by the total number of Records available and the number of Records available per Workspace.

  • Planning:
    • 25,000 Records per Workspace
    • 500,000 Total Records
  • Planning Plus:
    • 500,000 Records per Workspace
    • 2,000,000 Total Records

Workfront Planning must be purchased with a Workflow package and is only available with the Select, Prime and Ultimate Packages. User access to Workfront Planning will be attached to Customer’s workflow Package.

  • Standard Workflow = Standard Planning User
    • Full access – Create: Workspaces, Records, views, connections, etc.
  • Light Workflow User = Read-only Planning User
    • Restricted Access – Can access views shared with them
  • Contributor Workflow User = Read-only Planning User
    • Restricted Access – Can access views shared with them

Workfront Data Connect: Workfront Data Connect allows the Customer to connect business intelligence tools to Workfront data, limited by the Compute Hours the Customer has been allotted. A “Compute Hour” represents the CPU processing time expended when data is transmitted from the Workfront data lake to an external business intelligence, downstream data processor, external data storage location, or other ad hoc query. The volume of data transmitted in a single Compute Hour will vary by customer and use case, as the underlying customer data size and the complexity of the query being executed will be unique. Customers with the Ultimate package will have an allotment of 150 Compute Hours per month for each month of the contract period. Ultimate customers will also have access to establish direct connections through their own Snowflake account, using the direct Snowflake connection capability. Customers with the Prime or Select package may purchase a Workfront Data Connect Add-On to obtain access to Data Connect functionality with an allotment of 75 Compute Hours per month for each month of the contract period. All customers may purchase additional Data Connect Add-Ons as needed, each increasing their total allotment by 75 Compute Hours per month for each month of the contract period.

Workfront AI Assistant: Workfront AI Assistant uses Microsoft Azure OpenAI (“AOAI”). Use of AOAI through Adobe is separate and distinct from any direct accounts or usage of AOAI that Customer may have negotiated directly. Customers of Workfront are entitled to a single aggregate pool of yearly Generative Actions in Workfront AI Assistant that is based on their purchased Workfront Package: Prime (100 per Standard User), Ultimate (200 per Standard User), Planning (75 per Standard User), and Planning Plus (100 per Standard User). If Customer has purchased more than one of these Packages, the aggregate pool of yearly Generative Actions is the sum of those packages (e.g. Workfront Prime and Workfront Planning). A Generative Action is Customer’s use of Workfront AI Assistant by interacting, such as by providing an Input that is “in-scope” for Workfront AI Assistant, and receiving a response. In Workfront AI Assistant, Generative Actions are quantified in the following table:

AI Assistant Capability
Number of Generative Actions Used per Query
Product Knowledge 0
Summarization 0
Formula Generation 1
Workfront Planning Automation 4
Workflow Automation (available Q4 2024) 4

If Customer uses Workfront AI Assistant in excess of the entitlement of Generative Actions described here, Adobe may initiate re-contracting of license terms to include additional Generative Actions upon the anniversary of the Customer’s Contract Period Start Date.

Contributor User and External User Automatic Upgrade: Per the External User and Contributor User Features above, External Users and Contributor Users have access to capped review and approval of proofs and documents. This cap functions on a per-user per-month basis as follows:

Select Package: 3 decisions per Contributor User per month

Prime Package: 5 decisions per Contributor User per month

Ultimate Package: 7 decisions per Contributor User per month

If a User exceeds this cap, that User will be automatically upgraded to a Light User for the remainder of Customer’s then-current contract term. This automatic upgrade is not subject to any over-allocation charges or penalties. Customer may revert any such upgraded User to a Contributor User at any time.

HIPAA-Ready Package: Adobe Workfront may be used by Customer subject to HIPAA, but it is not a platform for the processing and storage of Personal Health Information (PHI). If Customer plans to use Workfront for limited processing of PHI, they are required by law to execute a Business Associate Agreement with Adobe, and this requires the purchase of the HIPAA-Ready Package. If Customer purchases the Select Package, the HIPAA-Ready Package may be purchased for a fee based on a percentage of Customer’s annual license fees. The HIPAA-Ready Package is included with the Prime and Ultimate Packages.

Workfront Fusion Per-Operation Metric: An operation occurs in Workfront Fusion when Customer’s Fusion scenario performs a movement of data or other action; a Select or Prime Package Customer that makes the minimum annual purchase of five hundred (500) Workfront Fusion Add-Ons is limited to 500,000 operations per month, but Customer may purchase additional Fusion Add-Ons as needed (in minimum increments of one hundred [100] Fusion Add-Ons). If Customer purchases the Ultimate Package, Customer is not subject to this limitation, but Adobe reserves the right to halt Fusion processes that are unduly burdening the system and endangering the performance of the Fusion platform for other customers; in such cases, Adobe will support Customer in restructuring such processes to meet Customer’s needs without compromising the performance of the Fusion platform.

Suspension of Users for Improper Aggregated Activity: Customer may re-assign a license from one User to another according to Customer’s needs, but a single User account may not be used to manage the work of multiple individuals simultaneously or without the license being re-assigned in the system; Adobe may suspend the activity of a User reasonably suspected of this kind of usage, pending a review of such usage with the Customer and, potentially, the purchase of additional Users.

Migration from Legacy License Types: When Customer migrates to the current Workfront license types from legacy offerings, Adobe may provision additional licenses beyond those purchased by Customer to prevent Customer’s Users from losing access to previously available functionality; Adobe will inform Customer of such additional licenses to allow Customer to make adjustments as necessary to prevent over-allocation. Customer will not be subject to over-allocation charges or penalties if the adjustments are made within ninety (90) days after the renewal/transaction of the migration.

