Feature summary | Photoshop Camera (2021 release)

Learn about new features and enhancements in the February 2021 release of Photoshop Camera (version 1.2.1).

Explore an ever-growing family of lenses

Category filters and improved lens management (iOS)

Discover the best of lenses with category filters and find the remove and rearrange lense capabilities under the setting icon in the lens library.

Explore an ever-growing family of lenses

Edit with Photoshop Camera (Android)

Easily open and edit an image in Photoshop Camera from other applications on your Android devices.

Quick and easy share to social

New devices added (Android)

Added support for more Android devices.

Category filters and improved lens management (iOS)

With this release, you can discover the best Photoshop Camera lenses with category filters and browse through the endless lens library easily on your iOS devices. Also, the ability to remove and rearrange lenses has been moved under the setting icon in the lens library under manage Lenses. 

Category filters and lens management
Category filters to make your experience smoother while browsing through the lens library.

Manage lens library
Use the setting icon to remove and rearrange lenses under Manage Lenses

Edit with Photoshop Camera (Android)

With this release, you now have the ability to open and edit an image in Photoshop Camera from other applications on your Android devices.

To learn more about capturing and importing photos, check out Capture in-app and import photos.

Support added for more languages and devices

With this release, we have added support for more Android devices. 

To see a complete list of supported devices, see System requirements.

