Photoshop Event Logger

Photoshop now comes with the diagnostic capacity to record the events the application is seeing and how they are handled. Enable the Event Logger, let it gather data, and share it with Adobe.

With the release of Photoshop on the desktop (version 25.2), diagnostic capacity has been added to enable detailed recording of events seen by Photoshop.

Enable the Event Logger

The Event Logger is intended to help diagnose problems with missing or mishandled events users might encounter.

Enable the Event Logger by creating or editing the setting files in this location:

Mac: //Users/[User Name]/Library/Preferences/Adobe Photoshop (Beta) Settings/

Windows: [Installation Drive]:\Users\[User Name]\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop (Beta)\Adobe Photoshop (Beta) Settings\

Then set the following flags in these two files:

Create/edit PSUserConfig.txt, and add this line: TraceKeyAndMouseEvents 1

Create/edit pslogSettings.txt, and add this line: LogKeyAndMouseEvents=1

When launched, Photoshop will show a new menu item under the Help menu. You can start and stop logging events using this menu.

Help > Start Logging Events 

Help > Stop Logging Events

The output will be in a log file found in the following location: 

Mac: //Users/[User Name]/Library/Logs/Adobe/Adobe Photoshop 2024/ 

Windows: [Installation Drive]:\Users\[User Name]\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop 2024\Logs\

To set up for testing and potential problem reproduction

Follow these steps to set up for testing and potential problem reproduction:

  1. Work until you encounter the problem you want to report.
  2. Start Logging Events using the menu item and try to reproduce the problem while event logging is active.
  3. When you have seen the problem, stop logging and hand over the file to Adobe, either to a community manager, or by logging a bug with supporting data.

