Error while opening Acrobat Reader Extended PDFs

Problem: Acrobat Reader displays an error when you open a Reader Extended PDF

Acrobat Reader displays the following error while opening a Reader Extended PDF: 

"This document enabled extended features in Adobe Acrobat Reader. The document has been changed since it was created and use of extended features is no longer available. Please contact the author for the original version of this document".

Reader Extended PDF open error

Reason: The error occurs when one of the certificates is set incorrectly in the Acrobat Reader's trust store

The error occurs when one of the certificates required for Reader Extended PDFs is set incorrectly in the Acrobat Reader's trust store called the addressbook.

Solution: Delete the addressbook.acrodata file

  1. Quit the Acrobat Reader application if it's already running.

  2. Take a backup of your "addressbook.acrodata” file from the following locations:

    • For Windows: C:\Users\<UserName>\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\Acrobat\DC\Security
    • For macOS: /Users/<user name>/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Acrobat/DC/Security
  3. Delete the "addressbook.acrodata" file from the location in step 2.


    Deleting the “addressbook.acrodata”  file will also delete the certificates that were manually trusted. You’ll need to again add or import certificates that were manually trusted.

    Certificates from AATL/EUTL can be added using Edit Preferences >Trust Manager.

  4. Launch the Acrobat Reader application. A new addressbook.acrodata file will be created with the correct certificate version.

