Overview of the Manage page


The Manage page contains the records of the agreements that a user has sent as well as any agreements shared or sent to the user from a trusted source.

In addition to agreements, the user can select to access the library templates, web forms, and bulk emails generated/owned by the user.

Users who have accounts shared with them can change the displayed content from their personal data to a view of the shared account's content (with some limitations regarding the available actions).


Layout and functionality

The central listing of records

The middle section of the Manage page loads a listing of agreements, with each row representing one agreement record.

  • If agreements are waiting for the user's action, the Waiting for You filter is automatically selected.
  • The In Progress filter is automatically selected if no agreements are waiting for the user.

The listing of agreement records has 4-5 columns, depending on the filter selected:

  • Recipient - The recipient value changes based on the status of the agreement:
    • In progress agreements report the current recipient awaiting action.
    • Completed agreements report the first recipient defined for the agreement.
    • Canceled and Expired agreements report the last assigned recipient when it was canceled/expired.
  • Sender - Reflects the name and company of the Sender when the sender is not the logged-in user. Agreements sent from the logged-in user show "Me" as the sender value.
  • Title - Reflects the title of the agreement as it was configured. This is the same title that is filtered when generating reports.
  • Group - Reflects the group wherein the agreement was composed. Only the original sender of the agreement will see the Group value populated.
    • Agreements in the list that were not composed by the logged-in user present a dash ( - ) in place of the group name.
  • Modified - Reflects the last date the agreement was modified by user action (signing, canceling, etc.). The Modified value updates with every action until the agreement reaches a terminal status (Complete/Canceled/Expired).

The agreement list is initially sorted by the Modified date, with the most recently modified agreement being at the top.

Clicking any column header sorts the list by that value in ascending/descending order. If the header is clicked again, the sort order is reversed.

Page headers

Quick actions and indicator icons

The records in the central list have one or more "quick action" buttons and up to two indicator icons that are exposed when you mouse over an individual record.

  • Actions are always hidden until mouse-over.
  • Indicator icons are hidden unless the feature the icon represents has been configured for the individual record.
    • Indicator icons are always visible (in bright blue) when configured for the record.
Actions and icons in the record mouse over

Bounced email/SMS indicator

The status column reinforces the status of the agreement (Out for signature, Waiting for Signature) and provides an alert icon if one of the email addresses has bounced.
The bounce indicator is visible only when viewing agreements, and is not applied to a parent template such as Send in Bulk or Web form parent templates.

Check the Activity list to show the bounce events:

The Manage page highlighting an agreement with a bounced email alert and the agreement history displayed along side.


Bounced emails can be corrected by replacing the recipient.

Search functionality

The Search bar and accompanying Filters button allow for precise search criteria to help find agreements in what can quickly become an overwhelming number of transactions.

Learn more about how searching works here >

Search filters


The right rail context menu

Selecting (single-clicking) any record in the center list triggers the right rail to pop out a context-based menu of actions and metadata relevant to the selected object.

Open agreement

The right rail context menu has different options based on the user's tier of service (individual, enterprise, etc.), the object selected (agreement, web form, etc.), the status of the user (admin, user), and the status of the object (active, in-progress, complete, etc.). If you don't see an option/feature that you expect to be available, check with your administrator to see if you are limited by design (setting configuration, user authority level) or availability (tier of service).


The shared account selector (Optional)

Accounts that have enabled account sharing can click the Your Agreements title to open a list of the accounts currently shared with the user. This list acts as a filter that populates the manage page with the contents from the selected user or group. The option to choose All shared agreements is also available.

Upon selecting an option:

  • the clickable title changes to the name of the filter
  • the central list of records is populated with the shared content
  • two new columns are added to the list of records to indicate the source of the content: 
    • GROUP - the group that contains the record
    • SHARED BY - the name of the user sharing the content
Shared account drop-down


"Agreement" specific data and actions

Below is a list of the agreement-specific features and actions that users can employ.

Other common actions across objects

Known Issues

