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Create an icon

With Adobe Illustrator, you can whip up a simple graphic to use as an icon in app designs, web pages, printed pieces, and more.

Eğitimi görüntüle: Illustrator
Uygulamada takip edin

Draw a circle. Look for magenta crosshairs while dragging out the shape to make it perfectly round.

Double-click the Scale tool. We made a smaller copy of the original circle to create a donut shape.

Select each circle and apply a different fill color.

Select both circles and from the Effects menu, experiment with Pucker & Bloat. You’ll find you can make diverse icons based on your setting.

Choose an effect you like; we’re making a clover.

We added a stem with the Arc tool and adjusted the color and stroke. (Click Stroke in the Properties panel to access more options.)

Icons are everywhere these days. Now you’re ready to create an entire set — for holidays, a business, or any other theme.

25 Mayıs 2023

Bu Illustrator eğitimlerini deneyin

Vektörlerle illüstrasyonlar ve başka grafikler oluşturun.