Check spelling


Feature deprecated in Flash Professional CC release. 

You can check spelling in text throughout your Flash Professional document. You can also customize the spell checker.

Use the spell checker

  1. Select Text > Check Spelling to view the Check Spelling dialog box.

    The box in the upper-left corner identifies words not found in the selected dictionaries, and also identifies the type of element that contains the text (such as a text field or frame label).

  2. Do one of the following:
    • Click Add To Personal to add the word to your personal dictionary.

    • Click Ignore to leave the word unchanged. Click Ignore All to leave all occurrences of the word in the document unchanged.

    • Enter a word in the Change To box or select a word from the Suggestions scroll list. Then click Change to change the word or click Change All to change all occurrences of the word in the document.

    • Click Delete to delete the word from the document.

  3. To end the spelling check, do one of the following:
    • Click Close to end spelling before Flash Professional reaches the end of the document.

    • Continue checking spelling until you see a notification that Flash Professional has reached the end of the document, then click No to end spelling checking. (Click Yes to continue the spelling check at the beginning of the document.)

Customize the spelling checker

  1. Do one of the following:
    • Select Text > Spelling Setup. (Use this option if you have not used the Check Spelling feature before.)

    • In the Check Spelling dialog box (Text > Check Spelling), click Setup.

  2. Set any of the following options:

    Document Options

    Use these options to specify which elements are to be checked.


    Lists the built-in dictionaries. You must select at least one dictionary to enable spelling checking.

    Personal Dictionary

    Enter a path or click the folder icon and browse to a document to use as a personal dictionary. (You can modify this dictionary.)

    Edit Personal Dictionary

    Adds words and phrases to your personal dictionary. In the Personal Dictionary dialog box, enter each new item on a separate line in the text field.

    Checking Options

    Use these options to control how Flash Professional handles specific types of words and characters when checking spelling.

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