Upgrade to Enterprise Storage | Known issues

This document describes potential issues that may emerge as your organization is updating to Enterprise Storage.

Desktop and mobile apps

For best results, ensure that the latest versions and updates of your apps are installed. Several app updates were released in May 2021 which provide support for enterprise storage.

If you've enabled automatic updates, you should not encounter most issues listed in this article. However, if updates are disabled, or admins deploy the updates to your devices, you may be required to take explicit actions to receive the latest updates.

As part of the upgrade process, you'll be asked to sign back in to your account. During this time, any file or artwork changes on the local device that are not synced to Adobe cloud storage are not saved.

Applies to

  • Mobile apps: Capture, Fresco, Fill & Sign, Illustrator Draw, Illustrator, Photoshop Mobile, Photoshop Sketch, Scan
  • Desktop apps:  Libraries

Additional information

File changes are isolated and stored locally on your device using your unique Adobe account identifier. After you sign back in, the account identifier is refreshed to the updated account.


  • Update your apps to the latest versions and updates before your organization and user accounts are upgraded. 
  • When the upgrade is in progress, avoid making any offline changes to your artwork, files, or documents.

The Your Files tab doesn't display documents after your account or organization is upgraded.


Relaunch Adobe XD or Sign out and sign back in.

After the updates, you may experience intermittent issues or inconsistent behavior while using the Creative Cloud mobile app. For example, you may encounter issues or errors while installing fonts or uploading files. Similarly, storage quota and consumption values may be incorrect.


Sign out and then sign back in to the Creative Cloud mobile app. After providing your credentials you may be asked to select a personal or business profile.

Some users may encounter intermittent error messages while performing cloud operations, such as marking a document as favorite or uploading a document. 


Upgrade to the latest versions of Adobe Acrobat or Adobe Acrobat Reader.

Some users may be unable to change their organization after signing in.


Quit Report Builder and Excel. Clear cookies, relaunch Excel, and try again. Also, ensure that you've installed the latest release of Adobe Report Builder.

Adobe Fresco user preferences and app settings revert to default after your account is upgraded.

Also, time-lapse videos of artwork are not retained. However, any time-lapse videos you've already exported to MP4 are not affected by this issue.


We recommend that you export all time-lapse videos of artwork to MP4 before your account is upgraded..

Sometimes, plugins are not migrated after your account is upgraded.


Sign into Creative Cloud Desktop App with the appropriate Profile and re-install the plugins. If you require a plug-in for multiple profiles, repeat the process for each profile.

In some applications, the name of the person with whom an asset is shared may not display correctly.


This issue occurs on older versions of the apps released before May 2021. Download and install the latest update to resolve this issue. If updates are disabled or admins deploy the updates to your devices, you may need to take explicit action to get the latest updates.

You are unable to access review information such as email or review comments because your account has been upgraded to enterprise storage.


To get access to review comments and information, upgrade to the InDesign 16.3 release (June 2021) version.

If you're part of a teams account with an Acrobat entitlement and part of an enterprise account with an Adobe Acrobat Sign for enterprise entitlement, choosing the incorrect profile will cause Acrobat to run in trial mode.


Follow these steps after signing out of your account.

  1. Launch Acrobat.


    Enter your email address and click Continue.

    Enter email address


    Choose Personal Account.

    Choose Personal Account


    Enter your password and click Continue.

    Enter password


    Choose the required Business Profile.

    Note: If you've received Business Plans from more than one organization, you'll be prompted with multiple Business Profiles. Choose the Business Profile associated with your Acrobat entitlement. 

    Choose Personal Account

If you've been added to a teams account with an Acrobat entitlement and to an enterprise account with an Adobe Acrobat Sign Solutions for enterprise entitlement, you'll receive two email invites for both Acrobat and Acrobat Sign. if you don't accept both the email invites, signing into Acrobat Sign fails.


Go to your registered email and click Get started the invite for Acrobat Sign and follow the prompts to sign in. Then do the same for Acrobat.

Get Started email from Adobe Sign

Get Started email from Acrobat

Collaboration and review services

The Date Shared for any shared documents displays the date your organization or account was updated, rather than the original date.



Files and brands shared by you become unshared when your account is upgraded. 


Reshare files and brands with users.

When the organization and accounts are upgraded, users are signed out of integrated services, such as Zapier, Slack or others.


Reauthenticate with the integrated service. If prompted, select the correct Profile after entering your credentials. Most likely, you'll need to choose the profile that contains the associated assets.

When the organization and accounts are upgraded, users are signed out of services such as Adobe Creative Cloud for MS Teams. 


If you are signed out of your account associated with more than one profile linked to the same email address, ensure that you are signed in with the correct User Profile.  

Stopped receiving notifications for subscribed links? 

To start receiving notifications for subscribed links, resubscribe to the link with the correct User Profile.

Signed out of your account?

If you are signed out of your current account, make sure you are signed in with the correct User Profile.

When the organization and accounts are upgraded, users are signed out of services such as Adobe Creative Cloud for Slack.


If you are signed out of your account associated with more than one profile linked to the same email address, ensure that you are signed in with the correct User Profile.

 Not getting notifications for subscribed links?

Sign into your account with the correct User Profile and resubscribe to the links. If you or your channel members stopped receiving notifications for your links. Ensure that you are using the correct User Profile associated with the link. 

In the Review or Collaboration workflows the participant's name does not prominently display the reviewer's Profile. The only indicator is the avatar image. By default, a blue avatar indicates a personal profile, while an orange avatar indicates a business profile.


Upload different avatar images to indicate your organization. Sign into your Adobe Account using the appropriate profile and Edit Profile to upload a custom image.

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