Configure Self Signing Workflows


Enabling the Self-sign experience can be done at the account and/or group level.

The option to enable the experience can be found by navigating to Account Settings > Global Settings > Self Signing Workflows

There are two self-signing environments available:

  • Fill & Sign provides a fieldless environment where users click directly into the form and type their content. Signatures are applied from a dropdown menu.
  • Structured Self Sign provides an environment where users can author fields onto the page and include signer authentication.

Enabling the Enable self signing workflows option provides access to the Structured Self Sign environment.

There are two other embedded controls to further expand or limit the user experience:

  • Default to the Fill & Sign experience - If enabled, the Fill & Sign experience loads as the default interface when a user opens a self-signing workflow.
    • If disabled, the Structured Self Sign experience loads as the default environment.   
  • Allow users to switch between the Fill & Sign experience and the Structured Self Sign experience - If enabled, the user sees a link to switch between the two experiences.
    • If disabled, the user may not switch environments.

The admin can configure the account/group between the two embedded options to provide access to only one environment or both.

Navigate to the settings



Self-signing workflows are available for configuration only with the enterprise license plans.

Team and individual licenses have access to use self-signing workflows by selecting the Fill and Sign tile on the Home page and then switching into the Self-sign environment. The settings are not available to configure.

Configuration scope:

The feature can be enabled at the account and group levels.

The controls for this feature can be assessed by navigating to Global Settings > Self Signing Workflows

The configurable options are:

Users in a group with the self-signing workflows enabled will find the Fill and sign a document tile on their Home tab:


If the group has self-signing workflows disabled, users in the group will not have access to the Fill and sign a document tile on their Home tab:


When enabled, the first environment to load after selecting the Fill and sign a document tile on their Home tab is the Fill and Sign workflow.

This is apparent because the option to send the agreement to authoring isn't present with the Next button.


When disabled, the first environment to load after selecting the Fill and sign a document tile on their Home tab is the structured self-sign workflow.
This is apparent because the option to Preview & Add Signature Fields is available with the Sign button.


When enabled, users have access to a link that allows them to switch between environments.


When disabled, users are locked-into the environment that the admin has configured as the default. No switching link is available. e


Related features to consider

Digital Signatures can be added as a signature option by enabling Digital Signatures on the account

  1. Navigate to Account > Account Settings >  Digital Signatures 
  2. Enable at least one of the digital signature methods: Cloud or Download
  3. Click Save
Digital Signature option

If signer authentication is required, admins must configure the account/group to:

  • Enable self-signing workflows.
    • Disable the default to the Fill & Sign experience.
    • Disable the option to allow the user to switch between Fill & Sign and Structured Self Sign.
  • Enable Enforced identity authentication to challenge the user to authenticate themselves when the agreement is opened.
  • Disable Don't challenge the signer to re-authenticate if they are already logged in to Acrobat Sign.
  • Permit Acrobat Sign authentication for internal signers.
    • Acrobat Sign authentication must be a possible authentication method.
      • It is generally recommended to Enable different identity authentication methods for internal recipients and establish Acrobat Sign authentication as the default authentication method.
      • If Acrobat Sign authentication is not the default authentication method, the option to Allow senders to change the default authentication method must be enabled.

To configure your authentication methods, navigate to Account Settings > Send Settings > Identity Authentication Methods.

Navigate to Authentication Methods

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