Set up your user profile

Within this guide, you will find the recommended first steps for getting your Adobe Acrobat Sign user account configured and ready to send transactions. Your specific user may have fewer options based on service level or admin configuration.

Verify your profile information

When you first log in to Acrobat Sign, take a minute to review your personal user information. This information is used in several templates, so it’s important to ensure it is correct.

  • Mouse over your name in the upper right corner to open the menu, and click My Profile
My Profile

The profile page shows the specific values that Acrobat Sign uses when personalizing any of your transactions. Of particular interest are:

  • Your full name – Used in email communications and for your default typeset signature
  • Your job title – Automatically populates if you ever have a Title field to fill in
  • Your company name – Reflected in email communications, this should be the full legal company name
  • Time Zone - Time/Date stamps are cast in your time zone for better clarity in your agreement history log.

If you need to adjust any of the content, click the Edit Profile button, make the required changes, and then Save your edits.


The Group Names property indicates which groups in Acrobat Sign your user belongs to. All users have at least one value listed. Accounts that have Users in Multiple Groups (UMG) enabled have the opportunity to see multiple groups listed.

  • The (Primary Group) flag denotes the group used when an application requires information about the user's group but is unaware of the UMG service
    • If UMG is ever disabled, all users become constituents of their Primary Group
  • Click the question mark next to the group name, and a pop-out shows the linked name of the Group Admin. 
    • Click the name of the group admin to open an email to that party

Define your signature and initials

Acrobat Sign allows for three signature styles, depending on your personal or business requirements:

  • Script-like font: The default value and the favored style currently. A font is applied to your name to achieve the appearance of a handwritten signature
    • If this option is your choice, nothing needs to be configured


Customized signatures

Create your unique signature by navigating to Personal Preferences > My Signature

Click the Create button to open the signature panel and select the method to create your signature:

  • Biometric: Draw your signature with a mouse, a stylus, or your finger!  Drawing your signature on a tablet with your finger gives the best overall result
    • The Mobile option allows you to deliver the signature panel to a touch-enabled phone for collecting the drawn signature.
  • Signature Image: If you have an actual image of your signature, you can upload that to the system, and Acrobat Sign applies that image as your signature when you sign.

Click Apply when you have created an adequate signature.

Configure My Signature

Configure personal event/alert notifications

For power users who really want to stay in touch with their transactions, you can use agreement milestones to trigger an email to your inbox, or an alert that can be delivered in a report.

To configure your event/alert notifications, navigate to Personal Preferences > My Notifications


Notifications are split into two categories. The interfaces are the same:

  • My Notifications - Define the notification profile for the agreements that you have created
  • Shared Notifications - Define the profile for agreements that have been shared to you, either explicitly, or through account sharing
Navigate to My Notifications

Some quick definitions:

  • Events: Actions that happen to a transaction (Sending, Viewing, Signing, and so on).
  • Alerts: Expected actions that don’t happen within a specified time frame (not viewed in eight hours, viewed but not signed in three hours, and so on).

Both events and alerts can be configured to notify in two ways. You have the option to select neither, one, or both by checking the configuration options. These options are:

  • Email: Selecting this option sends you an e-mail every time the event or alert triggers. Depending on your volume, this option can be “spammy,” so we recommend setting this option with your e-mail volume in mind.
  • Event: Events are flagged to show on your Home tab (in the Events and Alerts section) and are listed in any reports that you create on the Events/Alerts page.

Reporting can be configured at the bottom of the page to send you a summary of the events you have checked, and that report can be sent once a week, every work day, or every day of the week, as you like. 

The business and enterprise service levels allow users to create a personal footer, like a signature file in e-mail.

If the option is enabled by your account admin, you can set it by navigating to: Personal Preferences > My Email Footer

  • If you do not see the option, your account administrator can enable it at the account or group level.

This footer is placed near the bottom of your transaction e-mails, but above any account level footers:


Email Graphics

Select Language Preference

There are two default language options to set:

  • My Language Preference - Determines the default language used when delivering email to you, as well as the language used for on-screen navigation.
  • Signing Language - Determines the default language used for emails and on-screen instructions for recipients outside of your Acrobat Sign account.
Navigate to Language Preferences

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