Quit Acrobat/Acrobat Reader application if it's already running.
Last updated on
30 Sep 2022
Also applies to Acrobat Reader
When you use the drawing tool to add comment in Acrobat or Acrobat Reader, a boundary appears on the first comment.
To fix the issue, use the below mentioned registry key on Windows, or the plist file on macOS.
Apply the registry fix on Windows
Unzip (extract) the contents (.reg file) to the desktop.
Make sure that you have administrative privileges. Then, right-click the .reg file and select Merge.
Apply the plist file on macOS
Quit Acrobat/Acrobat Reader application if it's already running.
Unzip (extract) the contents (plist file) to the desktop.
Copy the plist file to /Library/Application Support/Adobe/Acrobat/DC/Preferences folder. Enter your Mac admin password if prompted.