The GetItem function retrieves a set of attributes for an already inserted item with the specified primary key.
For more information, see GetItem.
See request parameters for GetItem.
<cfscript> cred = { "credentialAlias" : "myalias", "vendorName" : "AWS", "region" : "us-east-2", "secretAccessKey" : "xxxxx", "accessKeyId" : "xxxx" } config = { "serviceName" = "DYNAMODB" } dynamo = getCloudService(cred, config) movieName="Movies009" // Stage 1: create a table tableStruct={ TableName : "#movieName#", KeySchema:[ { AttributeName: "year", KeyType: "HASH"}, //Partition key { AttributeName: "title", KeyType: "RANGE"} //Sort key ], AttributeDefinitions:[ { AttributeName: "year", AttributeType: "N" }, { AttributeName: "title", AttributeType: "S" } ], ProvisionedThroughput:{ ReadCapacityUnits: 10, WriteCapacityUnits: 10 } } dynamo.createTable(tableStruct) sleep(3000) // Stage 2: insert an item into the table putItemStruct={ "TableName":"#movieName#", "Item":{ "year": {"N": 2019}, "title": {"S": "Golden"} }, "ReturnValues": "NONE" } try{ putItemResponse=dynamo.putItem(putItemStruct,{"hasType": true}) writeOutput("Item inserted successfully in the table.") writeDump(putItemResponse) } catch (any e){ writeDump(e) } // Stage 3: get the inserted item getItemStruct={ "TableName":"#movieName#", "Key":{ "year":2019, "title":"Golden" }, "ConsistentRead": true } try{ getItemResponse=dynamo.getItem(getItemStruct,{ "customResponse": true }) writeOutput("Item successfully retrieved") writeDump(getItemResponse) } catch(any e){ writeDump(e); } </cfscript>

GetItem output