64-bit products convert to trial on launch or prompt for activation after licensing

When you launch Creative Suite 6 64-bit applications, you are repeatedly asked to license or activate your software. Additionally, the trial screen is repeatedly displayed after licensing the product.

Enter serial number on launch

An incorrect machine ID being returned to Adobe products on launch causes this issue.

If you are experiencing this behavior, continue to log in with your Adobe ID or enter your serial number. Entering your Adobe ID or serial number fully licenses your product and does not limit functionality. 

Entering your serial number into a WordPad or TextEdit document allows you to quickly copy and paste your serial number into the serial number dialog box. Follow the steps below to complete this process.

First launch

  1. Launch WordPad (Windows) or TextEdit (macOS).
  2. Type your serial number with or without dashes. Note:  Dashes don't cause a problem when you perform the steps, but they are not required.
  3. Save the document to an easy to find location, such as your Documents.

Additional launches

  1. Open serial number document.
  2. Highlight the serial number.
  3. Copy the text by pressing Ctrl + C (Windows) or Command + C (macOS).
  4. Close the document.
  5. Launch the Creative Suite product.
  6. Click License This Product.
  7. When prompted, click inside the serial number field and press Ctrl + V (Windows) or Command + V (macOS).
  8. Follow the onscreen navigation to continue launching the product.

Once the serial number is accepted, a fully functional product (not a trial) launches.

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