Create a beautiful stylized presentation in minutes with images and templates from Adobe Stock and some easy-to-do special effects.
Get started quickly with a template
Search Adobe Stock for a presentation template that you can customize with your favorite Creative Cloud app.
Search for images that help tell your story
Search for images on Adobe Stock that relate to the main message of your presentation and add them to a Creative Cloud library.
Start creating your presentation
Open the template file in Illustrator, select and activate any missing fonts, and then type in the title of your presentation.
Place images and add a custom style
After positioning an image on the cover, choose the Sketched Art preset from the Image Trace menu in the Properties panel. Open the Image Trace panel and adjust the Threshold amount to further customize the effect.
Apply a similar style to all of the images
Continue to customize the content and style the imagery to create a consistent style throughout the presentation.
The final result
Now you have a compelling presentation that features a consistent design with unique and memorable imagery.
Check out this curated collection from Adobe Stock with more images that you can use in your next project.