Introduction to ColdFusion
Welcome to the ColdFusion User Guide! Choose a topic from the left to find answers, get step-by-step instructions, and develop your skills.
Not what you’re looking for? Go back to ColdFusion Learn & Support for more resources.- About Adobe ColdFusionAdobe ColdFusion is a rapid development platform for building and deploying web and mobile applications.
- What's new in ColdFusion (2025 release)A quick look at the new features in ColdFusion (2025 release), such as new activation methods, language enhancements, charting and spreadsheet enhancements, bug fixes, and much more.
- Developing ApplicationsUse the Developing Applications guide to create web applications using ColdFusion. Choose your topic from the left rail to access help articles.
- CFML ReferenceUse the CFML reference User Guide to develop your skills and get step by step instructions. Choose your topic from the left rail to access help articles.
- Deprecated FeaturesThis article features a list of deprecated features in ColdFusion.
- REST enhancements in ColdFusion (2018 release)
- About Adobe ColdFusion
Learn More
- Server Auto-LockdownServer Auto-LockdownInstall ColdFusion Server Auto-Lockdown.Article
- Asynchronous programming
- Datasheets and white papers | ColdFusion (2016 release) family
- What's new in ColdFusion 11What's new in ColdFusion 11New features and enhancements in ColdFusion 11.Article
- What's new in ColdFusion (2016 release)What's new in ColdFusion (2016 release)A quick look at the new features in ColdFusion 2016, such as, language and PDF enhancements, security enhancements, and external session and NTLM support.Article
- Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) | Adobe ColdFusion Standard (2016 release)Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) | Adobe ColdFusion Standard (2016 release)Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) | Adobe ColdFusion Standard (2016 release)Article
- Docker images for ColdFusionDocker images for ColdFusionLearn how to integrate Docker with ColdFusion to boost performance, streamline development, and simplify deployment processes.Article
- What's new in ColdFusion (2018 release)What's new in ColdFusion (2018 release)A quick look at the new features in ColdFusion (2018 release), such as language enhancements, security enhancements, caching, and REST enhancements.Article
Install ColdFusion
Install ColdFusion as both server and JEE configurations.
- ColdFusion server profilesUse one of the multiple server profiles when you install ColdFusion.
- Prepare to install ColdFusionReview the ColdFusion product editions, system requirements, and other pre-requisites.
- Install the server configurationThe ColdFusion server installation provides an intuitive interface and helps you answer the questions asked by the installler.
- Install the JEE configurationDeploy ColdFusion as a Java application on a standards-based Java Enterprise Edition (JEE), using the JEE configuration option in the ColdFusion installer.
- Install ColdFusion ExpressColdFusion Express is a deployment option that enables you to quickly set up a development or demonstration instance without running a full installer.
- Install integrated technologiesIntegrate ColdFusion with several third-party technologies and applications.
- ColdFusion server profiles
Learn More
- Configure your systemConfigure your systemManage ColdFusion services and processes, configure web servers manually, and change user accounts and configure databases.Article
- Troubleshoot installation issuesTroubleshoot installation issuesTroubleshoot and fix common ColdFusion issues.Article
- Install ColdFusion silentlyInstall ColdFusion silentlyInstall ColdFusion silently by following the instructions. A silent installation does not interact with the user.Article
- Install Adobe ColdFusion (2016 release) hotfixInstall Adobe ColdFusion (2016 release) hotfixColdFusion (2016 release) features a Hotfix Notification and auto-installation facility from ColdFusion administrator.This prevents misplacing the Hotfix files or applying the Hotfixes to incorrect versions of ColdFusion.Article
- ColdFusion (2018 release) - Install JEE configuration
Use ColdFusion
New and enhanced features in the 2016 release of ColdFusion.
- Command Line Interface (CLI)Use the Command Line Interface (CLI) to run cfm scripts without starting the ColdFusion server.
- External session storageStore ColdFusion sessions on Redis instead of in-memory storage in ColdFusion servers.
- Generate Swagger documentsSwagger is a specification to describe and document RESTful APIs.
- Language enhancementsColdFusion (2016 release) introduces safe navigation operator (?.) and support for ordered collections.
- NTLM supportIn the 2016 release of ColdFusion, there is support for NTLM for cfsharepoint, cfinvok>, and cfobject tags, and the CreateObject function.
- New and changed functions/tags in Adobe ColdFusion (2016 release)New and updated functions and tags in the 2016 release of ColdFusion.
- Command Line Interface (CLI)
Learn More
- PDF enhancementsPDF enhancementsUse the cfdpf tag in ColdFusion 2016 to sanitize, import and export metadata, redact, attach files, and add stamp in any PDF document.Article
- Security enhancements in ColdFusion (2016 release)Security enhancements in ColdFusion (2016 release)Security Analyzer enables developers write safe ColdFusion code and avoid common security pitfalls.Article
Performance Monitoring Toolset
- Auto-discovery of ColdFusion nodes and clustersLet Performance Monitoring Toolset discover your nodes and add them.
- Code profiler in ColdFusion Performance Monitoring ToolsetRun Code Profiler to identify bottlenecks in your ColdFusion code.
- Configure ColdFusion Performance Monitoring Toolset settingsConfigure ColdFusion Performance Monitoring Toolset and change settings.
- Install ColdFusion Performance Monitoring ToolsetSteps to install ColdFusion Performance Monitoring Toolset via installer screens and silent mode.
- Overview of ColdFusion Performance Monitoring ToolsetPerformance Monitoring Toolset is an application monitoring suite to enable developers to gain insight on how applications perform at run-time.
- View cluster and node metricsView metrics for monitoring at cluster and node levels.
- Auto-discovery of ColdFusion nodes and clusters
Learn More
- View data source metricsView data source metricsView all metrics related to monitoring of databases.Article
- View external servicesView external servicesView a graph of ART for each of the external services, top slow services and a load distribution of these slow services.Article
- View incoming servicesView incoming servicesMonitor REST, SOAP< or RPC requests and see various metrics.Article
- View list of sites and busy connectionsView list of sites and busy connectionsView the list of busy connections and the health scores.Article
- View topology of sitesView topology of sitesView topology of sites and auto-tune connectors.Article
- Datastore Health MonitoringDatastore Health MonitoringDatastore health monitoring settings for disk, CPU, heap, and memory.Article
- Performance Monitoring Toolset Update 1Performance Monitoring Toolset Update 1ColdFusion Performance Monitoring Toolset Update 1.Article
- Secure Performance Monitoring Toolset with HTTPS/SSLSecure Performance Monitoring Toolset with HTTPS/SSLSecure Performance Monitoring Toolset with HTTPS/SSL.Article
- Performance Monitoring Toolset deployment guidePerformance Monitoring Toolset deployment guidePerformance Monitoring Toolset deployment guideArticle
- Authentication and SSL support in Datastore
- View cloud services
- View NoSQL Datasources
Use ColdFusion Builder
Build and deploy web and mobile applications using Adobe ColdFusion Builder. Boost your productivity with built-in features that aid every aspect of the development workflow.
- About ColdFusion BuilderAdobe ColdFusion Builder is built on top of Eclipse, an open-source IDE (Integrated Development Environment).
- System requirements | ColdFusion BuilderSystem requirements for ColdFusion Builder.
- Install ColdFusion BuilderInstall ColdFusion Builder as a standalone configuration or as a plug-in to an existing Eclipse installation.
- Edit code in ColdFusion BuilderColdFusion Builder provides a CFML Editor that has feature-rich code editing capabilities for CFM, CFC, HTML, JavaScript, and CSS files.
- Manage servers in ColdFusion BuilderStart, stop, and restart the ColdFusion server, and access the ColdFusion Administrator and Server Monitor from a single Servers view.
- Manage projects in ColdFusion BuilderProjects contain resources such as ColdFusion components, interfaces, and CFML pages that you can use to develop ColdFusion applications.
- About ColdFusion Builder
Learn More
- What’s new in Adobe ColdFusion Builder (2018 release)What’s new in Adobe ColdFusion Builder (2018 release)Adobe ColdFusion Builder (2018 release) comes with the ability to import code profiler data and upgrade to Eclipse Oxygen.Article
- Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) | Adobe ColdFusion Builder (2018 release)Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) | Adobe ColdFusion Builder (2018 release)Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) | Adobe ColdFusion Builder (2018 release)Article
- Debug applications in ColdFusion BuilderDebug applications in ColdFusion BuilderDebugging lets you examine and troubleshoot your application. When you debug, you can control when the application must stop at specific points in the code.Article
- ColdFusion Builder workbenchColdFusion Builder workbenchThe ColdFusion Builder workbench is a full-featured environment for developing Adobe ColdFusion applications.Article
- ColdFusion Builder extensionsColdFusion Builder extensionsYou can extend the ColdFusion Builder IDE (Integrated Development Environment) functionality to support various ColdFusion frameworks and code generation requirements.Article
- Debugging Perspective in ColdFusion BuilderDebugging Perspective in ColdFusion BuilderDebug your ColdFusion applications using the debugging perspective in Builder.Article
- Build mobile applications using ColdFusion BuilderBuild mobile applications using ColdFusion BuilderMobile application development using ColdFusion Builder.Article
- Bundled ColdFusion ServerBundled ColdFusion ServerAdobe ColdFusion Builder has a built-in ColdFusion Server, which is a lighter version of Adobe ColdFusion. This bundled version is the same as ColdFusion Express.Article
- Debug mobile applications in ColdFusion BuilderDebug mobile applications in ColdFusion BuilderDebug mobile applications in ColdFusion Builder and fix errors.Article
- Use extensions in ColdFusion BuilderUse extensions in ColdFusion BuilderExtensions to ColdFusion Builder include Adobe CFC and ActionScript Class Generators.Article
- What’s new in Adobe ColdFusion Builder (2016 release)What’s new in Adobe ColdFusion Builder (2016 release)Adobe ColdFusion Builder (2016 release) comes with a Security Analyzer feature and dictionary enhancements.Article
ColdFusion Enterprise
Rapidly build and deploy enterprise-ready web and mobile applications.
- System requirements | ColdFusion EnterpriseSystem requirements for ColdFusion Enterprise.
- Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) | Adobe ColdFusion (2025 release)Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) | Adobe ColdFusion (2025 release)
- ColdFusion for Developers | Adobe ColdFusion 11 EnterpriseAll about ColdFusion 11 and how you can leverage it to create enterprise-ready applications.
- System requirements | ColdFusion Enterprise
Coldfusion API Manager
Move your APIs swiftly from concept to production. Manage APIs across their lifecycle, get insights into usage, and track all aspects of performance. Secure your APIs and restrict access beyond a specified threshold.
- Overview of Adobe ColdFusion API ManagerAdobe ColdFusion API Manager is a complete solution for designing and publishing APIs, creating and managing a subscriber community, and for scalably monitoring API traffic.
- Features in ColdFusion API ManagerUse ColdFusion API Manager to secure your APIs, manage users and traffic, and see how your APIs are performing.
- Get started with ColdFusion API ManagerGet started with ColdFusion API Manager. Learn how to create a REST API, import a REST API from a SOAP API, and view API analytics.
- Install ColdFusion API ManagerInstall ColdFusion 2016 API Manager on Windows, Linux, and Mac OS.
- Authentication typesFind out more about the authentication types used in the API Manager-OAuth2, API Key, and basicAuth.
- Create and publish APIsAs a publisher, you can create and publish an API for consumption by any service or application.
- Overview of Adobe ColdFusion API Manager
Learn More
- AdministratorAdministratorThe administrator portal is a platform to manage and administer properties and functionality of the ColdFusion API Manager.Article
- SubscriberSubscriberAs an API subscriber, you can view all published, subscribed APIs, and try out and sign up for an API.Article
- Throttling and rate limitingThrottling and rate limitingThrottling is a process that is used to control the usage of APIs by consumers during a given period. You can define throttling at the application level and API level. Throttling limit is considered as cumulative at API level.Article
- NotificationsNotificationsThe API Manager sends notifications for any alerts or user events that require attention.Article
- ConnectorsConnectorsIn the API Manager, connectors redirect the requests from web servers to application servers. Connectors also provide load balancing between various nodes in a cluster.Article
- Set up cluster supportSet up cluster supportThe API Manager provides cluster support for application scaling and high availability.Article
- Integrate ColdFusion and API ManagerIntegrate ColdFusion and API ManagerAPI Manager facilitates the management of APIs that are exposed through REST or SOAP services. To experience seamless integration with ColdFusion APIs, you can access ColdFusion REST services from API Manager.Article
- Metrics and Logging in API ManagerMetrics and Logging in API ManagerColdFusion API Manager collects and analyzes information that APIs generate. The information is then collected and presented in the form of customizable dashboards.Article
- Generate Swagger documentsGenerate Swagger documentsSwagger is a project specification that is used to describe and document RESTful APIs.Article
- Configure SSLConfigure SSLConfigure SSL on your portals for enhanced encryption and security.Article
- Known issues in this releaseKnown issues in this releaseKnown issues in ColdFusion API Manager.Article
- Policies in ColdFusion API ManagerPolicies in ColdFusion API ManagerIn ColdFusion API Manager, policies allow you to change the behavior of an API by making certain configuration changes.Article
- Create a Redis clusterCreate a Redis clusterScale API Manager by adding or removing Redis nodes and manage automatic failover of the nodes.Article
- Multitenancy in API ManagerMultitenancy in API ManagerWith multitenancy, you can share an API in a tenant-isolated manner. The goal of multitenancy is to maximize resource sharing among multiple tenants while providing an isolated view for each tenant.Article
- Docker images for ColdFusion API ManagerDocker images for ColdFusion API ManagerDocker images for ColdFusion API Manager.Article
Configure and administer ColdFusion
Configure ColdFusion to manage databases, secure applications, connect to external web servers, and so on.
- Administer ColdFusionAlthough you use the ColdFusion Administrator to perform most ColdFusion administration tasks, you can also manage databases, web server configurations, and ColdFusion Search Server.
- Use the ColdFusion administratorUse the ColdFusion administrator to perform basic administration tasks, such as establishing database connections and securing your ColdFusion applications.
- Data Source Management for ColdFusionManage data sources for each database you want to use.
- Connect to web serversConnect ColdFusion to the built-in web server and to external web servers, such as Apache and IIS.
- Deploy ColdFusion applicationsColdFusion includes archive and deployment options that let you package and create archive files.
- Administer ColdFusion securitySecure your ColdFusion applications using password authentication and sandbox security features.
- Administer ColdFusion
Learn More
- Basic Troubleshooting and FAQsBasic Troubleshooting and FAQsAvoid issues with ColdFusion and perform basic troubleshooting as you begin to use ColdFusion.Article
- Work with Server ManagerWork with Server ManagerAdobe ColdFusion Server Manager is an Adobe AIR application packaged with ColdFusion installation.Article
- Use multiple server instancesUse multiple server instancesCreate multiple instances and clusters with your ColdFusion Enterprise edition.Article
- Security Enhancements (ColdFusion 11)
- Work with Server MonitorWork with Server MonitorTrack activities on your ColdFusion server, such as requests, queries, memory usage, and errors.Article
- ColdFusion Administrator API ReferenceColdFusion Administrator API ReferenceColdFusion Administrator API Reference DocumentationArticle
CFML Reference
Your primary ColdFusion Markup Language (CFML) reference. Use this reference to learn about CFML tags and functions, ColdFusion expressions, and other CFML constructs.
- CFML ReferenceUse the CFML reference User Guide to develop your skills and get step by step instructions. Choose your topic from the left rail to access help articles.
- CFML Reference
Develop ColdFusion applications
- Developing ApplicationsUse the Developing Applications guide to create web applications using ColdFusion. Choose your topic from the left rail to access help articles.
- Developing Applications