SharePoint configuration | Acrobat X, Reader X

This document is for end users. Admins and IT should see the Enterprise Administration Guide for server and client configuration details.

The SharePoint integration feature allows you to check in or check out PDF files from within Acrobat X or Reader X. When your administrator has enabled SharePoint integration, you click a PDF link in the SharePoint browser user interface to open it in Reader or Acrobat. If you choose Yes, the SharePoint browser user interface shows that the user has checked out the PDF.

After checking out the file, the Reader/Acrobat user interface provides additional options for working with that PDF. The File > SharePoint Server menu is added to Acrobat/Reader. You can Check In, Discard Check-Out, or Prepare Document Properties for the PDF file from within Acrobat or Reader.

Changes with 10.1

The following changes have been implemented with 10.1: 

  • SharePoint check-out functionality can be disabled via a registry preference.
  • Digital signature workflows have been streamlined: 
    • The file is saved directly to SharePoint if that PDF file is already checked out. 
    • The user is prompted to check out the file if that PDF is NOT already checked out. 

For server and client configuration details, see the Enterprise Administration Guide.

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