Cập nhật gần đây nhất vào
26 thg 12, 2022
Cũng áp dụng cho ColdFusion
Gets an object that is stored in the cache.
The object stored in the cache.
Function syntax
CacheGet(id, [cacheName])
See also
cfcache, CachePut, CacheGetAllIds, CacheGetMetadata, CacheGetProperties, CacheRemove, CacheSetProperties
ColdFusion (2018 release): Renamed parameter cacheRegion to cacheName.
ColdFusion 10: Added the region parameter.
ColdFusion 9: Added the function.
Parameter |
Description |
id |
The ID value assigned to the cache object when it was created. |
cacheName |
(Optional) Specifies the cache where you can place the cache object. |
<cfscript> //create a cache region with no properties rProps={}; CacheRegionNew("aRegion",rProps,true); // create object myObj myObj={}; myObj.a="hello"; myObj.b="world"; // store myObj in the cache region CachePut("id_1",myObj,createTimespan(0,0,30,0),createTimespan(0,0,15,0),"aRegion"); // get object myObj that is stored in id_1 in aRegion Writedump(CacheGet("id_1","aRegion")); </cfscript>