Accessibility in Behance

Learn about accessibility support in Behance that allows you to showcase and discover creative work.

What accessibility features are supported in Behance?

Behance is the leading online platform where you can broadcast your creative work widely and efficiently. It offers assistive technology support, keyboard support, and operating system accessibility support (with some exceptions).

Assistive technology support


Behance offers some support for assistive technologies (which includes screen readers and screen magnifiers). For more information, see Accessibility Conformance Report.


The iOS and Android apps partially support assistive technologies that are built into their respective operating systems, such as VoiceOver/TalkBack and Switch Control/Switch Access. However, not all use cases may be covered. To learn more about which workflows are supported, please see the Accessibility Conformance Report for iOS and Android.

Operating system accessibility support


The accessibility features of many widely used operating systems can be used on Behance. These accessibility features include high contrast and other display settings. However, there can be some limitations due to the current user interface of Behance.


Partial support is available for system-level accessibility features across both platforms, such as increasing the text size, reducing motion, and more. The apps’ responsiveness to changes in system settings may be inconsistent. We encourage users to report any unexpected behavior in order to help us learn where to focus our remediation efforts. 

Keyboard support


Most of the interactive content on Behance can be navigated and operated using the keyboard alone. For all features, we strive to conform to WCAG 2.1 AA guidelines.

While developing our features, we specifically follow the ARIA Authoring Practices Guide (APG). We are continuously working towards a more consistent keyboard experience. However, as stated in the Accessibility Conformance Report, there could still be a few exceptions.

The following are some of the important keyboard commands:

  • To navigate through a list of items, use one of the following methods:
    • Tab or Shift + Tab keys
    • Up, Down, Left or Right Arrow keys
  • To select or activate items, use one of the following methods:
    • Enter key in Windows or Return key in macOS
    • Spacebar key
  • To close menus, modals, tooltips, or end focus trapping, use one of the following:
    • Escape key
    • Tab or Shift + Tab to the Close Button (X), and then select it with the Enter key in Windows or Return key in macOS

Extra Keyboard Features

On Project Editor and Hire pages, we allow users to jump between larger sections of content with the F6 key. 
At the top of every page, there are links for Skip to Footer and Skip to Main Content to minimize tabbing.


The iOS and Android apps partially support assistive technologies that are built into their respective operating systems, such as VoiceOver or TalkBack and Switch Control or Switch Access. However, not all use cases may be covered. Learn more about the supported workflows in the Accessibility Conformance Report for iOS and Android.

Have feedback?

Behance is continuously working to improve its accessibility and user experience. You can share your feedback on the accessibility features in Behance by using this feedback form, and selecting accessibility issues for What best describes the reason you're contacting us today?

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