Sign in to Acrobat Web at with your Adobe ID and password or with your social (Facebook or Google) account.
The below article describes a new interface and process added to Acrobat Web in 2023. This modern interface and process is being rolled out in phases, and not all customers will have access to it immediately.
Not all features from the legacy page are available in the modern experience >
An FAQ regarding access to the modern experience can be found below >
You can get documents signed by others using the Request e-signature tool, which relies on cloud services provided by Adobe Acrobat Sign. Acrobat Sign e-signatures are legal, trusted, and enforceable in industrialized countries around the world.
An error message such as "Request entity too large" or "Server Error" is typically the result of a request delivering an excess of cookie data to the Adobe servers.
To correct, please clear your browser cookies and try again.
Get agreements signed online by others
This guide describes the process of starting a new agreement from a newly uploaded document, but it should be noted that there are multiple methods to send an agreement using a new document, a previously uploaded PDF, or a previously started agreement that has been saved in Draft status:
The most common and direct method to start a new agreement is to select the E-Sign tab in the top navigation bar.
Selecting this option opens a file selection dialogue where you can add the documents to be sent for signature.
Files can be dragged from the desktop or any folder and dropped into the Request e-signatures frame, or selected by browsing:
- your Recent list
- your Documents page
- your local computer
- your E-sign templates
- an external storage account (if available for your service type)
The All tools links in the top header and at the top-right of the tools carousel deliver the user to a full-page list of the available tools for the user's account.
Within the E-Sign section, a tool card displaying the Request e-signature option is available.
Files can be dragged from the desktop or any folder and dropped into the Request e-signatures frame, or browsed to by selecting the select a file link
- your Recent list
- your Documents page
- your local computer
- your E-sign templates
- an external storage account (if available for your service type)
The top banner on the Home page may display a Request e-signature button as a promoted action that is easier for customers to observe when loading the page. Starting a new agreement from this button triggers an interface prompting the user to upload the file(s) for the new agreement.
Files can be dragged from the desktop or any folder and dropped into the Request e-signatures frame, or selected by browsing:
- your Recent list
- your Documents page
- your local computer
- your E-sign templates
- an external storage account (if available for your service type)
Any previously uploaded PDF or Agreement Draft listed on the Recent tab can be selected and set for signature using the action list provided in the right-hand rail (or within the More menu if the right-hand rail is collapsed).
If the document is a PDF, a new agreement configuration is started with the PDF attacked. (Additional files can be attached if needed during the configuration process).
If an Agreement Draft is selected, the configuration process picks up where the user previously stopped.
Users can resume the configuration of a previously started Agreement Draft by hovering their pointer over the draft on the Recent tab and then selecting the Request e-signatures quick action.
The agreement opens to the configuration step where the users previously stopped.
Supported formats when uploading a file
Currently, only PDF formated documents are supported.
Steps to send documents for signature:
In the top navigation bar, select E-Sign > Request e-signatures.
A file upload page is displayed.
Files can be dragged and dropped into the Select a file field, or the user can choose to browse to the files by selecting the environment where the file resides. The options are:
- The Recents list
- The Documents page
- The local computer files
- E-Sign templates
- An external storage account (if available to the user's account)
Adding a file immediately advances the process to the Add recipients page.
The Add recipients page initially displays the configuration for one recipient.
To configure a recipient:
- A Role must be selected for the recipient. Options include:
- Signer - The default selection intended for recipients that are required to apply their signature
- Approver - Intended for recipients who only need to approve the document contents.
- Form filler - Intended for recipients that are expected to fill in the content of form fields but not necessarily sign the document.
- The recipient's Email address must be provided.
- The Name of the recipient can optionally be provided.
Additional options on the page:
- Recipients must sign in order - This toggle switch defines if the agreement signatures are captured in a sequential process or a parallel process. When the sequential method is selected, numbers are displayed by the recipient's role indicating the signature order.
- Options to add additional recipients - Additional recipients can be added by selecting the links at the top-right of the panel or by selecting the plus icon and choosing a recipient type from the pop-down menu:
- Add recipient - Selecting this option inserts a new recipient record.
- Add yourself - Selecting this option inserts the agreement author as the next recipient, automatically installing the user's email and name values.
- Add recipient - Selecting this option inserts a new recipient record.
Once all recipients are configured, select Continue.
A. Role, B. Recipient Email, C. Recipient Name, D. Signing order, E. New recipients, F. Add yourself A. Role, B. Recipient Email, C. Recipient Name, D. Signing order, E. New recipients, F. Add yourself - A Role must be selected for the recipient. Options include:
The field authoring environment loads and presents the document for adding the fields you want the recipients to fill in. Each signing or approving recipient should have at least a signature field assigned to them.
Note: If you've added multiple documents, the documents are combined and converted into a single PDF file.
When the document file first loads, all detected fields are created as Text fields and assigned to the first recipient. Additional field types are listed to the left of the document.
From the authoring page, you can edit the properties of the agreement and manipulate the fields on the document.
Select the EDIT link above the recipient list to expose the options.
The Edit recipients page loads, allowing you to add, delete, or edit recipients as needed.
Select Continue when done to return to the agreement authoring page.
Select the Edit link in the top navigation bar.
When the Edit page loads, all sections of the PDF that contain text or images are identified by dashed boxes indicating the bounds of the text or graphic. These text/graphic sections can individually be resized and moved using a drag-and-drop process.
Select Text to edit the text of the page.
Select Image to add a new image file to the page.
To edit text, click into a text section. The cursor icon indicates where the new input is placed and can be moved through the text using arrow keys.
The options panel presents controls to manipulate the font family, size, color, justification, and bold/italic/underline properties.
When adding an image, you are prompted to upload the image file.
Once the file is uploaded, the image is added to the PDF and can be moved to the proper location using a drag-and-drop process.
Lưu ý:Changes to the page are automatically saved if the cursor focus switches to a new window or if the activity on the page is idle for 10 seconds.
Save status is indicated by the cloud icon at the top of the page, to the left of your PDF name:
Select the E-Sign link in the top navigation panel to save the changes and return to the agreement authoring page.
Manipulate the fields on the document
If you have multiple recipients or specific field requirements, there are several actions you can take to adjust the fields.
Full details of the field options can be found in the updated authoring documentation.
When you've placed all desired fields on the document, select Review and send.
Lưu ý:Complete your edits before you send the documents for signature. The signed agreement is certified by Acrobat Sign. Edits to the signed agreement lose the certification.
The Review and send panel opens showing:
- the From field, indicating the sender's email
- the recipient's email address(es)
- the optional CC recipients (Editable)
- CC'd parties receive only the final signed copy of the agreement.
- CC'd parties receive only the final signed copy of the agreement.
- the current Agreement name (Editable)
- the Subject line of the emails delivered to the recipients (Derived from the Agreement name)
- the Message included in the recipient's email (Editable)
- the reminder iteration for the agreement (Editable)
- Reminders are delivered only to the recipient currently expected to interact with the agreement.
- Reminders can be scheduled to be delivered:
- Every day
- Every business day (Monday thru Friday)
- Every two days
- Once every week (on the same day the agreement was initially sent).
Lưu ý:If the recipients must be edited, select Close to return to the authoring environment, and then edit your recipients.
When everything is properly configured, select Send.
- the From field, indicating the sender's email
The agreement is processed, and a "Successfully sent" notification page is displayed.
The user can then:
- Save agreement as a template - The document is saved as a template (with all fields as configured) and stored with your other templates. The template is displayed as if you opened the template from your Documents page.
- Track this agreement - Opens a view of the agreement as if the agreement were viewed from the Documents page.
- Send another agreement - This starts the new agreement process from the beginning, asking for a file to be selected.
- Back to Home - Opens the Home page.
- Go to Documents - Opens the Documents page.
A copy of the sent agreement is concurrently stored in your Acrobat account. To access the agreement:
- Navigate to your Home page and select the Recent option in the bottom section of the page.
- Navigate to the Documents page and select All in the left list of filters.
- Save agreement as a template - The document is saved as a template (with all fields as configured) and stored with your other templates. The template is displayed as if you opened the template from your Documents page.
Frequently Asked Questions:
- Who is eligible for the modern Request e-signatures experience?
- The modern Request e-signatures experience is available only to a limited set of new Free and Individual users at this time.
- The modern experience is not available for Acrobat Team users at this time.
- Can I move back and forth between the modern and classic Request e-signatures experience?
- Switching between the modern and classic Request e-signatures experience is not available.
- What experience can I expect if I upgrade from Individual/Free to Teams.
- The Request e-signatures experience may change if you upgrade plans. You can expect the following if you start with the modern Request e-signatures experience as a Free or Individual user and upgrade to Teams. You will:
- maintain your pdf agreement drafts in your Personal Profile, but these drafts will need participants and fields redefined
- receive the classic Request e-signatures experience on your Business/Team profile.
- The Request e-signatures experience may change if you upgrade plans. You can expect the following if you start with the modern Request e-signatures experience as a Free or Individual user and upgrade to Teams. You will: