Cập nhật gần đây nhất vào
26 thg 12, 2022
Cũng áp dụng cho Communiqué 3, Communiqué 4
When you try to upload a large package to your instance, you get a message similar to the following error in the upload package dialog:
Testing package file.../day/cq-4.2/data/author/tmp/__uncgi45199.post Uploading package...day/cq-4.2/data/author/tmp/__uncgi45199.post error:java.io.EOFException: 448767 bytes expected, but read -1
Do one of the following:
- Assign more memory to the instance.
- Split your package into smaller piece.
- Use tree activation from one instance to the other instead of package deployment.
Additional information
This error usually happens when there is not enough memory for the package extraction. In that case, when you check your instance error.log, you see an Out Of Memory exception.