Cập nhật gần đây nhất vào
26 thg 12, 2022
Cũng áp dụng cho CRX
You open Crx Content Explorer and click Search icon. In the search dialog an error appears such as:
Error: javax.jcr.RepositoryException: no search manager configured for this workspace
The default installation of Crx/Communiqué does not configure a search manager for the workspaces. If you look in crx_home/workspaces/your_workspace/worspace.xml you will see that there is no search manager configured:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <Workspace name="live_author"> <!-- virtual file system of the workspace: class: FQN of class implementing FileSystem interface --> <FileSystem class="com.day.crx.core.fs.local.LocalFileSystem"> <param name="path" value="${wsp.home}"/> <!-- param name="enableHandleMonitor" value="true" / --> </FileSystem> <!-- persistence manager of the workspace: class: FQN of class implementing PersistenceManager interface --><PersistenceManager class="com.day.crx.persistence.DerbyPersistenceManager"/> <!-- Search index and the file system it uses. --> </Workspace>
If you want to use the search function of Crx Content Explorer you need to configure it manually. Here is how to do this:
- open file crx_home/workspaces/your_workspace/worspace.xml
- add the following between <workspaces>
<!-- Search index and the file system it uses. --> <SearchIndex class="com.day.crx.query.lucene.LuceneHandler"> <param name="useCompoundFile" value="true"/> <param name="minMergeDocs" value="1000"/> <param name="maxMergeDocs" value="100000"/> <param name="mergeFactor" value="10"/> <param name="path" value="${wsp.home}/index"/> </SearchIndex>
- Restart your instance
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