Cập nhật gần đây nhất vào
26 thg 12, 2022
AEM Customization Best Practices
- AEM Development - Best Practices for developing components/templates including security considerations
- OSGI Bundles - Best Practices for developing custom bundles
AEM Tools for environment Comparison
- Bundle Version Checker - Compare the versions of OSGi bundles installed across AEM versions or across environments.
- OSGi Component Diff - Compare the OSGi components across AEM environments.
- OSGi Configuration Diff - Compare the OSGi configurations across AEM environments.
- Content Package Compare - Compare content packages installed across AEM environments.
- Activity Log Analyzer - Validate the node additions and deletions that are done during package installations.
- Node Diff - Check nodes across environments using crxde query service.
- Package Validator - Validate OSGi, ACL and Overlays during package installation.
How to Debug SAML Issues
Configuration checks:
- SAML Handler in AEM will only be activated when it receives the IDP response at <AEM_HOST>/saml_login(Assuming path variable is set to "/")
- saml_login is the servlet that processes the IDP response and creates users Or provides details about the failure.
- So, make sure IDP is making the POST call to:
- <AEM_HOST>/saml_login when the path field is set to "/"
- <AEM_HOST>/content/abc/saml_login when the path field is set to "/content/abc"
- If this is still an issue, check the detailed article at [1] for further troubleshooting
[1] https://helpx.adobe.com/experience-manager/kb/how-to-troubleshoot-saml-related-issues-in-aem.html
Custom bundles are not starting after the upgrade
Check if the custom code was compiled with the latest version of uber-jar. More details at [2]
[2] https://helpx.adobe.com/experience-manager/6-5/sites/developing/using/ht-projects-maven.html
Custom components not working after the upgrade
- Make sure you are using the latest coral resource types.
- Check sample article at [3] for more details
- If this is still an issue, please try to reproduce the issue on a plain AEM instance and share the component package with AEM support for further investigation
[3] https://helpx.adobe.com/experience-manager/using/aem65_coral_resourcetypes.html
Custom Overlay's are not working as expected after the upgrade
- Check if the node that was overlayed has moved to a different location OR updated. If that is the case, you need to recreate the overlay by using the new location.
- Before upgrading, follow the steps in this article to ensure that the overlays are upgraded properly to the target version.