Image Authoring workflows and tips | Scene7

Vignette creation for pattern mapping review

  1. Create Vignette Import View image.
  2. Build Object Hierarchy list with flowline objects (nontexturable objects for colorizing only).
  3. Mask all objects.
  4. Normalize illumination Map.
  5. Edit Mesh Objects.

Starting a Mesh Project

A mesh project is defining a Vignette with only "Flowline objects." These Flowline objects allow for the creation of mesh objects with which you can apply tile-able patterns.

Mesh Project workflow

The following is the workflow for a mesh project.

  1. Pick a "hero" object to start with. This object is usually the visually largest object and one that draws the eye to it. Other objects are created based on the hero object
  2. Distort mesh to match basic plan of object.
  3. Add intermediary flowlines for general distortions.
  4. Add extra flowlines to refine distortions.
  5. Add individual vertices for ultra-refinement. Don't forget to let the illumination Map influence the eye.

Operation tips

  • Press Alt+click to select a masked object and its mesh.
  • Press Shift+click to select a flowline.
  •  Vertical flowlines are blue.
  • Horizontal flowlines are green.
  • Selected flowlines are red.
  • Press Shift+click, and drag to move a flowline.
  • Right-click to call a context-sensitive menu.
  • Ensure that the mesh is outside the masked area.

Curved surfaces

  • Start with the plane closest to the user.
  • Add flowlines to pull the mesh back.
  • Use the Shift+click operation a lot.
  • You can deal with strange overlapping effects using the depth setting for each flowline.
  • Flowline tension helps enhance the curve on flowlines


Assign each mesh a size so when you map on a tiled image, it renders at a correct scale.

  • rendered pattern scale = mesh size (inches) x pattern ppi (pixels per inch)

Workflow for a mesh

  1. Click redistribute to normalize any distortion (stretches and squeezes) when you add intermediary flowlines. It helps you judge the width and height of the mesh.
  2. Know the basic size of object.
  3. The goal is to see squares and circles. If you are seeing elongated rectangles and ovals, there is an incorrect width-to-height ratio. If the ratio is correct, the click the linked button to help in the next step.
  4. The mesh size is the overall size of the width/height of the mesh, rather than an individual square/circle in the mesh. The mesh != the mask; therefore, add some buffer.

Applying the sizes for all meshes

  1. First apply the size to the hero mesh.
  2. Temporarily apply a texture to the hero mesh (right-click, and then choose Apply Preview Texture).
  3. Click another mesh and change the size relative to the hero mesh.
  4. Once the size has been set, apply the preview texture.
  5. Repeat for every other mesh.

Origin points

  • Two Origin points to manage origin point in the mesh (defaults to upper-left corner of the object).
  • Origin point in the tiled image (defaults to the center of the image).
  • Where these two origin points intersect, determines where a tile begins to render 

Texture Material Properties

  • There are options in the Image Author Tool for controlling either origin point.

Workflow to correct the origin point

  1. Select the Mesh tool.
  2. Set the mesh origin point:
    1.  Drag to move the origin point of the mesh.
    2. Type the value of the origin point in the right.
Aligning meshes You can use the hero views vertical/horizontal origin lines onto another mesh.
  • Right-click the hero and select a source object.
  • In another mesh, right-click where the meshes intersect, and select Match Default Origin.


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