Quit Adobe InCopy CC 2019.
When you try to open a package (.icap) file in InCopy CC 2019, you get the following error message:
An error occurred opening the package file.
Download CopyPlugin_Win.zip and extract its content to desktop.
Tải xuống
Find and double-click CopyPlugin.vbs from the extracted folder.
Browse and select Adobe InCopy CC 2019 application folder.
Click OK.
The plug-in is installed and you get the message once InCopy is successfully updated. Click OK.
Launch InCopy CC 2019 and open the package (.icap) file.
Quit Adobe InCopy CC 2019.
Download CopyPlugin_MAC.zip and extract its content to desktop.
Tải xuống
Find and double-click CopyPlugin_MAC.app from the extracted folder.
Browse and select Adobe InCopy CC 2019.app.
Click Choose.
The plug-in is installed and you get the message once InCopy is successfully updated. Click OK.
Launch InCopy CC 2019 and open the package (.icap) file.