Support on Non-Standard configurations

Non-Standard Configurations

Adobe Systems encourages all customers to feel comfortable in evaluating and leveraging the power and flexibility of our Data Workbench multi-channel analytics solution. As both a full featured, rich desktop application and server environment the Data Workbench product family offers a compelling collection of different deployment options to meet our customers various needs.

Adobe Systems Customer Care makes every effort to provide comprehensive assistance and support of our products and services. Data Workbench by its very nature as a flexible solution allows customers, if they insist, the ability to work outside of standard configurations defined in our official Minimum System Requirements and Product Documentation. Such deployments are considered "non-standard configurations" and are defined, generally, as the following:

Non-standard configurations are environments that do not involve dedicated physical computing hardware or use standard physical hardware as a shared resource (beyond normal Server operations). This generally includes:

  • Server or Client applications on virtual machines
  • Access through Windows Remote Desktop for Data Workbench Client
  • Other Terminal Services environments

Customer Care can provide assistance with non-standard configurations up to the point at which the non-standard configuration itself negatively impacts performance or reliability of the product or service. At which time, for continued assistance, it may be required that there be a switch to a standard configuration. In order to meet what is outlined by our Minimum System Requirements and Product Documentation. While customers are free to run non-standard configurations, if they insist, Adobe reserves the right to re-evaluate our support options for such a deployment on an as needed basis.

If there are any questions about the above please feel free to reach out to the Data Workbench Customer Care team at We are always more than happy discuss any questions or concerns you might have about your deployment of our software and services.

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