Sync your Adobe Photoshop Lightroom mobile photos with Lightroom Classic on your computer.

Three people backpacking on a grassy mountain range with a lake below.

Note: This tutorial is for you if you use Lightroom Classic on your computer. If you use the newer, cloud-based Lightroom on your computer instead of Lightroom Classic, syncing across Lightroom on your computer, mobile devices, and web happens automatically.

Sign in with your Adobe ID on all your devices

Ensure that you are signed in on all of your devices with the same Adobe ID. On a phone or tablet, open Settings in the Lightroom app to sign in or to see the Adobe ID you are using. On your computer, do this in the Lightroom Classic Help menu.

Activate sync in Lightroom Classic

In Lightroom Classic on your computer, click the identity plate in the upper left corner, and turn on Sync with Lightroom. You can see the progress of your photos syncing over from Lightroom.

If you want to customize default sync settings, such as the location for synced Lightroom photos, go to Lightroom Classic > Preferences > Lightroom Sync (MacOS) or Edit > Preferences > Lightroom Sync (Windows).

Several images are open in the Lightroom Classic library, and Sync With Lightroom menu option is highlighted.

See your mobile albums as collections on your computer

In the Library module in Lightroom Classic, navigate to the Collections panel, and expand the collection set From Lightroom. Any albums you created in the Lightroom app on your mobile device are now listed here as collections. A small, double-arrow icon to the left of a collection name, or on an image thumbnail, indicates that it is synced with the Lightroom ecosystem, including Lightroom on your mobile devices.

The Library module, Collections panel is open, From Lightroom menu option is expanded. Double arrows indicate synced items.

Edit a photo from mobile on your computer

In Lightroom Classic, select one of the collections synced from your mobile device. Choose a photo in the collection, and then click the Develop module to access the Lightroom Classic editing tools.

Apply some edits to the photo in Lightroom Classic. In this example, we edited an isolated portion of the photo by selecting the Adjustment Brush, dragging the Saturation slider to the right, and painting over the lake to increase the intensity of the colors in that area.

Adjustment Brush is used to increase the intensity of the colors of the lake.

See your edited photo in Lightroom on your mobile device

The edits that you make in Lightroom Classic to photos synced from Lightroom will appear on those photos in Lightroom on all your devices, including phones and tablets. Similarly, edits you make to those photos in Lightroom for mobile are visible in Lightroom Classic on your computer.

Edited photo of backpackers on a mountain with a lake appears on a mobile phone.

Sync collections from Lightroom Classic on your computer

You can also sync collections of photos you added directly to Lightroom Classic on your computer, so that smart previews of those photos are accessible in Lightroom on all your devices.

To do this, make sure Sync with Lightroom is turned on in the Lightroom Classic identity plate, and also enable sync for the individual Lightroom Classic collections that contain these photos. To enable sync for an existing collection, click the empty square to the left of the collection in the Collections panel. To enable sync when you make a new collection, check the Sync with Lightroom option in the Create Collection window.

In Lightroom Classic, a double-arrow sync icon appears to the left of the collection name in the Collections panel, indicating that sync is enabled for that collection. In Lightroom on your mobile device, the synced collection appears as an album of photos, and any edits you make in either location will be synced.

Collections of photos added to Lightroom Classic on a computer appear on a mobile device. Double arrows indicate synced items

Adobe Stock Contributor
26 thg 12, 2022

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