Quick tips for using Lightroom Classic | Hướng dẫn về Adobe Photoshop Lightroom
Check out these tips to help you speed up your workflow in Adobe Lightroom Classic.

What you learned: Quick tips to maximize efficiency

  • Keyboard shortcuts: Press the G key to view the Library module grid of photos and to return to the Library module from other modules. Press the spacebar to view a single image. Press the + or keys to adjust thumbnail sizes in the Library module. Press F to fill the screen with just an image. Press D to enter the Develop module.
  • Hide modules you don’t use: Right-click (Windows) or Control+click (macOS) near a module name at the top of the screen and in the drop-down menu deselect a module you want to hide.
  • View only one panel at a time: Right-click (Windows) or Control+click (macOS) the title bar of a panel and choose Solo Mode. This affects all the panels in the panel group, keeping just one panel open at a time.
  • Auto-sync edits across multiple pictures: Select several images and switch to the Develop module, where one of the selected images appears for editing. At the bottom of the right panel group, click the switch to the left of the Sync button to toggle the button to Auto Sync. All edits you make to one photo will be applied automatically to all the selected photos. Click the button again to toggle it back to Sync.
  • Create multiple virtual versions of one image: Select a photo and choose Photo > Create Virtual Copy. Repeat to make additional virtual copies that you can use to experiment with different edits. This makes virtual copies only within Lightroom Classic; it does not create copies of the files on your drive.
  • Copy Develop settings between images: Right-click (Windows) or Control+click (macOS) a photo that has been edited in the Develop module and choose Develop Settings > Copy Settings. Select the attributes to apply to other photos and click Copy. Select one or more images to receive the copied settings, Right-click (Windows) or Control+click (macOS) and choose Develop Settings > Paste Settings to apply adjustments copied from the first photo.
26 tháng 12, 2022

Presenter: Ben Willmore