Installing and Configuring AEM Document Security 11.0 Extension for Microsoft Office

This document guides you through installing and configuring Adobe Experience Manager Document Security Extension 11.0 for Microsoft Office.

This document includes information about the following tasks:

  • Installing Document Security Extension for Microsoft Office
  • Preconfiguring the installer to point to the LiveCycle Rights Management ES2 and later and Document Security add-on for Adobe Experience Manager Forms.
  • Configuring the automatic application of default policy

Before you install

Before you install Document Security Extension for Microsoft Office, read the Release Notes.

Uninstall third-party plugins 

AEM Document Security Extension for Microsoft Office does not support third party plug-ins for Microsoft Office applications. As this extension may conflict with third party plug-ins, you must uninstall any non-Adobe plugins for Microsoft Office before installing Document Security for Microsoft Office. Adobe does not provide support for Document Security for Microsoft Office applications with third party plug-ins installed.

System requirements

Refer to the Release Notes, for the system requirements.

Installing Document Security Extension for Microsoft Office

You can download the standard installer, AEMDocumentSecurityExtensionforMicrosoftOffice.exe, from Adobe download website. You cannot customize this EXE file directly, but it can be installed interactively or in silent mode. You must be logged on as an administrator to install the software.

Lưu ý:

Do not install the software in a folder whose name contains double-byte characters. If you do so, the AEM Document Security menu does not appear in Microsoft Office.

Lưu ý:

Before installing Document Security for Microsoft Office for an unsupported language, open the Office application at least once.

Install in silent mode

Use a file extractor utility, such as WinZip, to extract AEMDocumentSecurityExtensionforMicrosoftOffice.exe from the installer file. Open the command prompt, go to the folder that contains the setup file, and type the following text:

AEMDocumentSecurityExtensionforMicrosoftOffice.exe /s /v"/qn"

The installer is also available as an MSI file, which can be used for customization.

Install an MSI file in silent mode

  1. Use a file extractor utility, such as WinZip, to extract the AEMDocumentSecurityExtensionforMicrosoftOffice.msi file from the ZIP file.

  2. Open the command prompt, go to the folder that contains the MSI file, and type the following text:

    msiexec /I AEMDocumentSecurityExtensionforMicrosoftOffice.msi /qn

Starting Office applications on a machine with Document Security Extension and McAfee VirusScan 

To ensure that Office applications start smoothly on a machine that has Document Security Extension installed and McAfee VirusScan with On-Access Scan enabled, disable the Buffer Overflow Protection option in the McAfee VirusScan Console.

Preconfiguring the installer to connect to Document Security

You can preconfigure the Document Security Extension for Microsoft Office installer to point to a LiveCycle or AEM server so that users who install Document Security Extension for Microsoft Office can use the features without configuring a connection. As such, users can open protected documents with no configuration necessary. However, they cannot protect new documents until they configure the client to use a particular server.

The following steps describe how to create and configure an MSI file. This MSI file contains the registry values that are required to preconfigure the Document Security Extension for Microsoft Office installer to the LiveCycle or AEM server that is installed in your enterprise.

Prerequisites for customizing the installer

Use the Orca database editor to customize the installer. The following steps describe how to create a custom MSI file by modifying a copy of the MSI installation file using the Orca database editor. Orca is available as part of Windows SDK for Windows Server 2008 and .NET Framework 3.5. For more information about how to edit Microsoft Windows® Installer files using Orca, see Microsoft Support.

Lưu ý:

It is recommended that you make a full backup of all installer files before you create the custom MSI file.

Install Orca

  1. Download the Windows SDK for Windows Server 2008 and .NET Framework 3.5 from Microsoft Download Center.

  2. Double-click the Orca.msi file in the \Microsoft SDK\bin folder.

    You also need the MSI variant of the installer file. Contact Adobe support to receive the latest version of the MSI installer.

    Lưu ý:

    Always close the AEMDocumentSecurityExtensionforMicrosoftOffice.msi file before running the installer. You cannot run the installer if Orca is using the MSI file.

Create and configure the MSI file

  1. Click Start > Programs > Orca.

  2. Click File > Open, and then browse to the AEMDocumentSecurityExtensionforMicrosoftOffice.msi file.

  3. Select Property from the list of tables (on the left side).

  4. Edit the following key Name values as applicable to your enterprise installation of Rights Management.

    Key Name


    Key Value Default


    Display name.

    Default server


    Host Server URL.

  5. Select Registry from the list of tables (on the left side).

  6. Edit the following key name value.

    Key Name


    Key Value Default


    The default APS server.

    Default server

  7. Save the modified file to the same directory that contains the original MSI installer.

    Lưu ý:

    A common practice is to use the same file name as the original MSI file (for example, AEMDocumentSecurityExtensionforMicrosoftOffice.msi).

Configuring automatic application of a default policy

As part of the configuration, you can configure automatic application of a default policy so that Document Security Extension for Microsoft Office protects every document that is saved.

You can specify one of the following options:

  • Protect all documents with a default policy.
  • Allow users to optionally save a file in an unprotected format when they cannot connect to the server. This flexibility allows you to account for cases when users are creating documents while disconnected from the network (for example, while on an airplane).

After you enable the auto-apply policy feature, the document is protected with the default policy in the following cases:

  • User edits and saves a newly created document
  • User edits and saves an unprotected document
  • User opens an application that opens with a default document, edits, and then saves the document

Configure the auto-apply policy feature in the MSI file 

Before you begin, preconfigure the installer to point to your LiveCycle ES4 server, as described earlier in this article.

  1. Click Start > Programs > Orca.

  2. Click File > Open, and then browse to the AEMDocumentSecurityExtensionforMicrosoftOffice.msi file.

  3. Select Property from the list of tables (on the left side).

  4. Edit the following key name values as applicable to your enterprise installation of Rights Management.

    Key Name


    Key Value Default


    Enable or disable the auto-apply policy feature.

    1: Enable

    0: Disable



    The policy GUID to use when new documents are saved. Applies to the auto-apply policy feature.

    Hexadecimal policy ID as visible on the RM server


    Server URL.


    Server port number.



    Determines whether documents can be created without Document Security protection if the client cannot contact the server to protect the document on first save.

    1: Allow unprotected saves)

    0: Prevent creation of new documents when the client cannot contact the server to save the document.


    Lưu ý:

    AUTO_APPLY_POLICY_ALLOW_UN PROTECTED_SAVE option is useful when you want to remind customers to protect all documents without forcing them to do so. It is also useful when you know that users create documents while disconnected from the network. You do not want to prevent them from creating and saving documents.

  5. Save the modified file to the same directory that contains the original MSI file.

    Lưu ý:

    A common practice is to use the same file name as the original MSI file (for example, AEMDocumentSecurityExtensionforMicrosoftOffice.msi ).

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