Adding ‘What's This' Help to an MFC Property Sheet


How do I add What's This? Help to an MFC property sheet? Do I need the help of a developer?


(Give these instructions to your developer so he or she can add What's This? Help to a Microsoft Foundation Class property sheet.)

You can get the What's This? mark by overriding the OnInitiDialog in the derived PropertySheet class and calling ModifyStyleEX. Use the following steps to call ModifyStyleEX.

BOOL COrdersSheet::OnInitDialog()


// TODO: Add your specialized code here and/or call the base class


return ModifyStyleEx(0, WS_EX_CONTEXTHELP);


If you choose "Context Sensitive Help" in the App Wizard, you will also need to comment out the Command Handler for the ID_HELP message in the derived Prop. Sheet Class:

BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(COrdersSheet, CPropertySheet)





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