Add a password to secure viewing an agreement PDF

The sender has an option when creating the agreement to set a specific password that is applied to the signed PDF document. This password is required to open and view the signed PDF file.

Set a password to protect viewing the PDF copy of the agreement

The sender has an option when creating the agreement to set a specific password that is applied to the signed PDF document. This password is required to open and view the signed PDF file.

Checking the Show Password checkbox exposes the content of the password field to help ensure the two are correct and what you intend.

If the two passwords do not match, an error icon appears in the second password field.

Lưu ý:

It is important to remember the Signed PDF password you set is embedded into the PDF, and is not possible to recover or reset.

  • If the Signed PDF password is lost or forgotten, there is no way to open the PDF.

Passwords can only contain letters and numbers; no special characters are allowed. For example:

` ~  ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) _ + - = [ ] \    ;  '  ,  . / { }  |  : " < >?

Lưu ý:

The document password protects Acrobat Sign document PDFs that are downloaded or emailed from the Acrobat Sign system.  It's not intended as an enforcement mechanism for users accessing the document from the Acrobat Sign client.   See Content Protection for alternative mechanisms for access protection.

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