Information for Fotolia contributors

Fotolia closed on November 5, 2019, but you can still sync your Fotolia account with Adobe Stock.  

If you’re a former Fotolia contributor, you can access your account data on Adobe Stock by syncing your Fotolia account when you sign in to the Adobe Stock Contributor portal for the first time. Here are the steps:

  1. Go to the Adobe Stock Contributor portal
  2. Select Get Started to create an Adobe ID, or choose I already have an Adobe ID and sign in. 
  3. Select Sync my Fotolia account. You’ll be prompted to enter your Fotolia login and password.


Get answers to your questions about syncing your Fotolia account to Adobe Stock. 

No. All your Fotolia content is still available at Adobe Stock. Syncing your Fotolia account allows you to upload new content, manage your existing content, view your sales, and submit payment requests.   

The minimum payment amount for large subscription packs is determined by the volume of sales you’ve accumulated. Sales that originated at Fotolia prior to the closure apply to your Adobe Stock Contributor account. Learn more about royalties 

At this time, we don’t have plans to add an exclusive contributor program on Adobe Stock.  

If you don’t wish to continue as a contributor, you can close your Fotolia account and request a final payout by contacting Contributor Support. 

This may have occurred because you have more than one Fotolia account, and the email address you used for your Adobe ID is associated with a Fotolia account that doesn’t have any content. Please contact Contributor Support to sync your Adobe Stock account with the correct Fotolia account. 

Please contact Contributor Support for help with this issue. 

Please contact the app developer to confirm compatibility with Adobe Stock. As a reminder, you can upload directly to the Adobe Stock Contributor portal using drag and drop or SFTP. We also support direct uploads from Adobe Photoshop Lightroom Classic and Adobe Bridge. For more information, see our article about uploading your content

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