Adobe Stock and Business Profiles

Learn all about the ownership of Creative Cloud Libraries and Adobe Stock assets available in your account if you have a Personal Profile and a Business Profile associated with the same email address.

With the introduction of multiple profiles, you may have noticed a few minor changes in your sign-in experience on the Adobe Stock website. These changes only apply to Adobe Stock individual account holders, who are also a member of a Creative Cloud for teams organization.

Based on a recent prompt, you recently chose the profile you wanted to use to sign into your Adobe account and to move your creative content. Your choice with this prompt affects how your previously created Creative Cloud Libraries with Adobe Stock assets are reflected in your Creative Cloud apps:

  • If you chose your Business Profile, any Adobe Stock assets that were previously added to a Creative Cloud Library are available to be used and edited by you within your Creative Cloud apps. If you've already been using this feature within your Creative Cloud apps, you won't notice any difference in your workflow. 
Lưu ý:

Your team members are also able to see your Adobe Stock licensed assets, but they cannot access your Adobe Stock quota. These assets show as watermarked previews to the rest of your team.

  • If you chose your Personal Profile, any Adobe Stock asset that was added to a Creative Cloud Library is located in your Personal Profile. If you then attempt to access your Creative Cloud Library from within your Creative Cloud apps, the Creative Cloud Libraries from the Adobe Stock website are not displayed, as your Creative Cloud apps are tied to your Business Profile and not your Personal Profile. If you want to view your Adobe Stock assets that have been added to your Creative Cloud Libraries in your Creative Cloud apps, you can move your content across profiles.

When signing into the Adobe Stock website, you are asked to choose either your Business Profile or Personal Profile. If you choose your Business Profile, all Adobe Stock assets that are added to Creative Cloud Libraries reflect in your Creative Cloud for Teams apps for future work.

If you choose your Personal Profile, your Creative Cloud Libraries created with Adobe Stock assets is separate from your Creative Cloud for Teams account and is not visible in your Creative Cloud for Teams apps.

Lưu ý:

No matter what profile you choose, Adobe Stock always recognizes that you have an Adobe Stock individual subscription and an access to your personal Adobe Stock quota and license history when you sign into the Adobe Stock website. Your team members don't have access to your quota.

Switch profiles

When you sign into your account, you are required to select a profile, personal or business. If you have multiple profiles associcated with the same email address, you get the option to swtich to another profile using the following procedure.

  1. In the Adobe Stock website, click the Account icon in the top-right corner.

  2. In the menu, click Change Profile.

  3. Choose the new profile to sign into and then click Select.

Frequently asked questions

You should choose the appropriate profile to which you are using your Adobe Stock assets. If you choose your Business Profile, Adobe Stock assets that are added to Creative Cloud Libraries are visible within your Creative Cloud apps.

If you would like your Adobe Stock assets within Creative Cloud Libraries to remain separate from your company account, you should choose your Personal Profile when signing in.

No. Your team can view the Adobe Stock assets that have been added to your Creative Cloud Libraries, but those assets show as watermarked previews. Your team doesn't have access to your Adobe Stock quota, and cannot license assets on your behalf.

Yes, your Adobe Stock quota is accessible within your Creative Cloud apps, no matter which profile you choose. Only your Creative Cloud Libraries are affected with your decision.

If you selected to move your content to your Business Profile, then your previously created libraries are accessible within your Creative Cloud apps. Note that your team can view these assets as well, but they are watermarked.

If you selected to move your content to your Personal Profile, your previously created libraries are not visible within your Creative Cloud apps.

Learn how to move your content across profiles.

If you have an individual Adobe Stock plan, this plan cannot be shared with your team. Adobe Stock also has the teams plan available.

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