Adobe Creative Cloud Exchange | Developer support

Developer support plans

To purchase a Developer Support Plan, see purchase developer support plan or reach out to the CC Exchange Helpdesk.

Adobe provides developer resources to answer technical queries and help resolve issues raised by community members and users on Adobe I/O and product forums.

Developers who require dedicated support, can purchase a developer support plan, which allows them to work with Adobe product experts on the following areas:

  • Questions about Creative Cloud Product SDKs that are covered under the plan
  • C++ development and use of APIs
  • Deep scripting
  • Document Object Models
  • Architecture and platform configuration
  • Investigation of suspected bugs
  • Product performance issues

Developers with support plans get quicker response and deeper investigation to confirm if any issue is arising due to a bug in an Adobe product.

This is an optional Creative Cloud Exchange benefit for developers who need developer level support. Members who were actively using Developer Support as part of the Technology Partner Program are encouraged to purchase one of these plans.

Purchase developer support plan

The developer support annual case bundles are priced as follows:

The support case bundles are valid for 12 months from purchase. Any unused cases are not refunded or credited. The plan is annual, however, if the cases are exhausted, a new plan can be purchased easily before the anniversary date.

The initial response time is one business day. Adobe makes the best effort to respond in a timely fashion, though it doesn’t guarantee a resolution to any issue or fix to bugs in a particular timeframe. Bug reports without a request for workaround don't consume a ticket.

Product SDKs covered under the plan

Below is a list of the product SDKs that are covered under the plan:
  • InDesign Family SDKs
  • Illustrator SDK
  • Acrobat SDK
  • CEP
  • Photoshop SDK
  • Dreamweaver SDK
  • Bridge SDK

Guidelines for opening a support case

After you purchase a support plan, the Adobe Creative Cloud Exchange helpdesk provides you the information on how to open a support case. Ensure that you provide the following information, while opening a support case:
  • A full description of the problem with the pertinent error messages.
  • The exact version of the product you are using, including build number (especially for InDesign).
  • The operating systems under which the issue is encountered.
  • An indication of priority. For example, if there are any deadlines to be kept in mind.
  • The code samples, sample assets, and steps necessary to reproduce the issue.

To be able to resolve the bug, Adobe must reproduce the reported issue in its own environment. You can use Adobe Creative Cloud services or any commonly available online file sharing tool to share your sample files and assets. Adobe's mail server rejects the ZIP files that are shared through email.

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