What does error code "recode 4" mean?


When a user uploads a PPT to Connect, error code "recode 4" displays.



C:\breeze\appserv\win32\builder\producer\CommandLineConverter.exe causes this error.


Report this issue to support. This issue is addressed in bug=1762567.

"recode 4" means Error – the conversion failed and the convertor process was terminated.

Additional Information

But what exactly is "recode 4"? Here is the list of recodes:

The error codes are written in the log file as &ldquo;recode <errorNumber>&rdquo;

for example, &ldquo;kError_None&rdquo; the entry on the log file would be &ldquo;recode 0.&rdquo;

List of error codes and their meaningful message:

 0.       kError_None

  • No Error (Successful conversion)

 1.       kError_CouldNotCreateFileMapping

  • Error &ndash; Could not create File mapping for interprocess communication

 2.       kError_CouldNotMapFileView

  • Error &ndash; Could not create File mapping for interprocess communication

 3.       kError_CouldNotCreateChildProcess 

  • Error &ndash; Could not create the Convertor

 4.       kError_ConversionFailed_ProcessTerminated

  • Error &ndash; the conversion failed and the convertor process was terminated

 5.       kError_ConversionFailed_ProcessUnterminated

  • Error &ndash; The conversion failed and the convertor could not be terminated

 6.       kError_Unknown

  • Unknown Error


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