Open PDFs in Acrobat Reader from Chrome

Adobe bundles the Acrobat Chrome extension with Adobe Acrobat Reader so that you can easily open PDFs in Reader while browsing the web. Once installed and enabled, the extension will:

  • Open PDF files in the Acrobat Reader desktop app.
  • Offer a consistent and reliable PDF viewing experience.
  • Provide access to all the tools you need to add comments, fill forms, and sign PDFs.

You can easily disable the extension at any time. The extension does not read the content of your PDFs or any content on the sites you visit.

Install Acrobat Reader Chrome extension

The extension is not installed automatically with Acrobat Reader. If Acrobat Reader is the default PDF owner on your computer, you're prompted to install the extension when you launch Acrobat Reader. Once the extension is installed, you must activate it before use.

Steps to install and enable Acrobat Reader Chrome extension:

  1. If Acrobat Reader is the default PDF owner on your computer, you're prompted to install the extension when you launch Acrobat Reader.

    Prompt to install the Chrome extension
    Install the Chrome extension prompt in case of Acrobat Reader update

    Prompt to install the Chrome extension
    Install the Chrome extension prompt in case of fresh Acrobat Reader installation

  2. Click Continue or Next. The extension is installed and added to Chrome.

  3. Open Google Chrome. You’ll see a prompt as shown in the screenshot below. Click the Enable extension button.

    Enable extension

Using “Open in Acrobat Reader” option for PDFs opened in Chrome browser

When you open a PDF in Chrome, you see the Adobe Acrobat prompt in the upper-right corner of the window. Click Open in Acrobat Reader.

Open in Acrobat Reader from Chrome

Disable the Chrome extension

  1. Right-click the extension, and then choose Manage extensions.

    Manage extensions

  2. Clear the Enabled check box.

    Clear the Enabled checkbox

Opt out of the Product Improvement Program

  1. Right-click the extension, and then choose Manage extensions.

    Manage extensions

  2. Under Adobe Acrobat, click Options.


  3. Clear the check box and then click Save.

    Clear the Enabled checkbox

Remove the Chrome extension

  1. Right-click the extension, and then choose Remove from Chrome.

    Remove extension

  2. In the Confirm Removal prompt, click Remove.

    Confirm removal

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