Remove Creative Cloud Files folder shortcut from the Navigation panel | Windows


اعتبارًا من 11 ديسمبر 2023، لن يحق للمستخدمين والمؤسسات الجديدة الحصول على ملفات Creative Cloud المتزامنة. اعتبارًا من 1 فبراير 2024، سيتم إيقاف ملفات Creative Cloud المتزامنة للحسابات الشخصية التي كانت موجودة قبل 11 ديسمبر 2023 (تعرف على المزيد هنا). بدءًا من 1 أكتوبر 2024، سيتم إيقاف ملفات Creative Cloud المتزامنة لحسابات الأعمال المرتبطة بالمؤسسات التي كانت موجودة قبل 11 ديسمبر 2023 (تعرف على المزيد هنا).


When you install the Creative Cloud desktop app, a folder with the name Creative Cloud Files is created on your system and a shortcut to this folder is pinned to the Navigation panel in Windows.

At times, you may want to remove this shortcut from the Navigation panel. Although the shortcut can be removed, it reappears when the Creative Cloud desktop app is updated or reinstalled.

Creative Cloud Files folder shortcut in Navigation panel


Follow the steps below to remove the Creative Cloud Files folder from the Windows navigation panel and unpin the shortcut to prevent reappearance.


The Creative Cloud Files folder is used to sync or upload assets to Creative Cloud and this shortcut is intended to make navigation to this folder easier. It is only recommended to unpin the shortcut if you don't use the file sync feature.

  1. Download the file and extract its contents. Note down the path of unpin.exe as you'd need it in step 4.

  2. In the Windows search bar, type Command Prompt.

  3. Right-click on the Command Prompt and select Run as administrator

  4. In the Command Prompt, type cd followed by the location of unpin.exe. For example, cd C:\Users\xxxxx\Desktop\unpin

    This command is used to navigate between directories in the Command Prompt

    Type cd followed by the location of unpin.exe

  5. Press Enter

  6. Open the folder whose shortcut you'd like to remove. Right-click on the folder name and select Copy as path from the context menu. 

    Screen showing context menu for CCF folder

  7. In the Command Prompt, run the command unpin.exe "<Add the path of the folder you want to remove>" For example, unpin.exe "C:\Users\xxxxxx\Desktop\Creative Cloud Files"

    Note the location of the CCF folder.


    The name of the Creative Cloud Files folder will vary based on your account type, profile name, email, and other factors. For example, the folder name could be in the format 'Creative Cloud Files Personal Account ####@AdobeID'.

  8. Press Enter to execute the command.

Follow the steps below to pin the Creative Cloud Files folder again in the Windows navigation panel. 

  1. Download the file and extract its contents. Note down the path of pin.exe as you'd need it in step 4.

  2. In the Windows search bar, type Command Prompt.

  3. Right-click on the Command Prompt and select Run as administrator

  4. In the Command Prompt, type cd followed by the location of pin.exe. For example, cd C:\Users\xxxxx\Desktop\pin

    This command is used to navigate between directories in the Command Prompt

    Type cd followed by the location of pin.exe

  5. Press Enter.

  6. In the Command Prompt, type pin.exe and then press Enter.

  7. Sign out of your Creative Cloud desktop app and restart your computer. Then, sign in again.

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