Work with pages and master pages in InDesign | برامج Adobe InDesign التدريبية
Learn the basics of working with pages in Adobe InDesign CC, including how to navigate, create, and edit pages and master pages, set up column guides, and more.

Discover how to navigate between pages in a document using the Properties panel, Pages panel and other methods.


What you learned: Navigate between pages

InDesign documents can contain a large number of pages that are either facing or non-facing.

Facing page documents are two or more pages next to each other, as in a book or magazine layout. Examples of non-facing page documents are a business card or flyer.

When you create a document (File > New), you set a document as facing or non-facing. You can change this setting later.

In the Properties panel and Pages panel (Window > Pages), you can view, navigate, add, and edit pages in the current document.

To navigate to a specific page, choose the page number in the Properties panel with no content selected or double-click the page thumbnail in the Pages panel.

In the Status bar below the document you can also navigate between the pages by choosing a page number.

Create and edit pages

Add and edit pages in a document using the Pages panel and Properties panel.


What you learned: Create, edit, and organize pages

  • To create a new page, with no content selected in the document, click the Create New Page button in the Properties panel.
  • To edit page properties like size and orientation, click the Edit button in the Page section of the Properties panel, with no content in the document selected. To stop editing page properties, click the Back button at the top of the Properties panel.
  • To duplicate a page, in the Pages panel (Window > Pages), you can drag a page thumbnail to the Create New Page button at the bottom of the panel.
  • In the Pages panel, drag a page thumbnail to reorder it in the document.
  • To delete a selected page or pages, click the Delete Selected Pages button (trash can) at the bottom of the Pages panel (Window > Pages).

Use a master page

Discover what a master page is and add content to the default master.


What you learned: Add content to the master page

A master page is like a document template — any object placed on a master page appears automatically on pages that are based on that master page. This is useful for creating consistent elements such as page numbers, logos, or placeholder frames. Each document can have multiple master pages.

In the Page menu of the Properties panel you will see a single master page and the pages in the document.

In the Pages panel (Window > Pages), the letter A on each page thumbnail indicates that the default master page, named “A-Master,” is applied to that page.

  • To add content to a master page, with no content in the document selected, choose the master page from the Page menu in the Properties panel.

A master item cannot be selected on a document page unless the master item is overridden.

Set margins and columns

Change margin and column guides on your pages for framing where content will go.


What you learned: Add columns and set margins

Margins and columns are nonprinting guides that can be set for pages and spreads and  can be used to frame where columns of text or content may go.

  • To change margin and column settings for a page, navigate to a page in the Document window or select a spread or page in the Pages panel. Choose Layout > Margins and Columns, specify options, and click OK.

When you change the column and margin settings on a master page, you change the setting for all pages that the master is applied to.

Changing the columns and margins of pages selected in the Pages panel affects only the selected pages.

Learn more about Adobe's leaflet design software.


Back to: Edit content | Up next: Organize content with layers


20 ديسمبر 2021

Presenter: Brian Wood

Designer: Martin Hoang