Learn the fundamentals required to create and animate text layers.

Add text to compositions

Add text to a composition.


What you learned: Add text layers to a composition

  • To place text, select the Type tool in the Tools panel, click in the Composition panel, and type. Use the Selection tool to set the text layer.
  • Choose fonts, size, color, justification, and other text properties in the Character and Paragraph panels.
  • Preview fonts by clicking a text layer in the timeline, then scroll through the font family drop-down menu in the Character panel.
  • Text layers are generated within After Effects and have their own parameters in addition to the normal transform properties associated with every layer.

Animate efficiently with text presets

Apply and edit prebuilt text animations.


What you learned: Apply text presets

  • Find and search for text presets in the Effects & Presets panel.
  • Browse animation presets using Adobe Bridge.
  • Drag and drop a preset from the Effects and Presets panel directly on a text layer to apply. The first keyframe of the preset will be placed at the location of the Current Time Indicator (CTI).
  • Slide keyframes to change the timing of the animation. Stretch or squash multiple keyframes by holding Alt (Windows) or Option (MacOS) and dragging the first or last keyframe with all keyframes selected.

Animate text letter by letter

Create per-character animation.


What you learned: Animate type letter by letter

  • In the timeline, open the layer parameters by clicking the triangle to the left of the layer number. Text layers have their own set of parameters in addition to the normal transform options for the layer.
  • To the right of the text layer parameters (Text) look for the word Animate. Click the button to the right of the word Animate and choose a parameter to animate. Once a parameter has been chosen, a Text Animator will be applied to the text.
  • Scrub Range Selector parameters to preview possible parameters to animate. Animate type by adding keyframes to different range selector parameters.
  • To remove an applied parameter, range selector, or animator, click directly on the words in the timeline and press Delete. 


Make type pop with graphic elements

Separate text from a background using Shape layers.


What you learned: Create and animate a Shape layer

  • Make sure no layer is selected in the timeline, then choose a Shape tool from the Tools panel. Click and hold on any Shape tool to see other Shape tools. In the Tools panel, choose Fill and Stroke colors for the shape. Click and drag in the Composition panel to add a Shape layer into the composition.
  • Drag a Shape layer up and down vertically in the timeline to position the object above or below any other objects in the composition. 
  • Shape layers, like text layers, have their own parameters in addition to the normal layer transform properties.
  • Any property that displays a stopwatch can record keyframes for animating.


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Oct 18, 2017

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