Learn how to fix shaky footage, poor exposure, and white balance issues with video.

Stabilize shaky footage

Smooth out shaky footage.


What you learned: Smooth out shaky video footage

The Warp Stabilizer VFX effect is most commonly used to stabilize shaky footage.

  1. Select the video layer in the timeline. In the menu bar, choose Effect > Distort > Warp Stabilizer VFX to apply the effect.
  2. In the Warp Stabilizer VFX effect, open the options for Stabilize. Work from the top down through the effect to make adjustments:
    • Result: Smooth Motion works best on footage where the camera body is physically moving. No Motion works best on footage where the camera was locked down in place, as on a tripod.
    • Smoothness: The higher the number, the more stabilization will be applied. The lower the number, the less stabilization will be applied.
    • Method: How the effect will be applied. Subspace Warp applies stabilization to each pixel in a frame. Choose a setting other than Subspace Warp if the video looks wobbly after the effect has been applied. 


Fix exposure issues in video

Use the Lumetri Color effect to fix overexposed and underexposed video.


What you learned: Fix exposure issues

The Lumetri Color effect can be used to repair many different color and exposure issues with video.

  1. Select the video layer in the timeline. In the menu bar, choose Effect > Color > Lumetri Color to apply the effect.
  2. In the Lumetri Color effect, open the options for Basic Correction:
    • Tone: Adjusts the luminance of the video clips
    • Exposure: Adjusts the entire image across all levels of brightness
    • Contrast: Adjusts the difference between the lightest and darkest pixels in the video clip
    • Highlights: Adjusts the bright pixels above gray but not the absolute brightest pixels
    • Shadows: Adjusts the darker pixels below gray but not the absolute darkest pixels
    • White: Adjusts the brightness of the absolute brightest pixels in the video
    • Black: Adjusts the brightness of the absolute darkest pixels in the video

Enhance the color in your video

You can enhance the color or repair color issues in your video with the Lumetri Color effect.


What you learned: Use the Lumetri Color effect to adjust colors

Use the Lumetri Color effect to adjust color and fix exposure issues. It’s generally best to fix the exposure of a shot before you attempt to adjust the color.

  1. Select the video layer in the timeline. In the menu bar, choose Effect > Color > Lumetri Color to apply the effect.
  2. In the Lumetri Color effect, open the options for Basic Correction
  3. Use White Balance to adjust the color balance in your shot:
    • Use the WB Selector eye dropper and in the Composition panel click on any pixel in the footage that should be white to automatically balance the shot.
    • Scrub the Temperature and Tint settings to adjust the color manually.

Stefan Gruenwedel

Oct 18, 2017

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