How to find and replace words in a RoboHelp project


Is there a global way to find and replace words in the project?


For RoboHelp Classic:

Use RoboHelp Find and replace tool in the project:

  1. Open the project in RoboHelp.

  2. Click on the Edit menu in Word.

  3. Choose the Robohelp Replace option.

  4. Enter the words the word you want to find in the Find box.

  5. Enter the word you wish to replace the text in step 4 with in the Replace box.

  6. Click the Find button to replace each occurrence one at a time, or choose Replace All to do this automatically.

This will need to be done on each document in the project

For RoboHelp HTML:

Use the Multi-File Find and Replace tool. (This tool is available from the "Tools" tab in the lower left corner or the RoboHelp window):

  1. Open it up and browse to the project directory.

  2. Type .htm in the file section and click Filter. This will show all the htm pages in the folder.

  3. Select all the htm pages and click Add. This will list them all in the target directory.

  4. In the Find field type in the HTML code for the link you are looking for (ie - <A href=" ">)

  5. In the Replace field, type in the HTML code for the link you want to replace the link in step 4.

  6. Click the Start button.

  7. After a few seconds (depending on the number of files that are being searched) a dialog should appear telling you how many occurrences were found. Click Ok.

  8. A list of all the .htm pages it found with that text will appear. Click on the Replace option to replace them one at a time. Click Replace All to replace all occurrences.

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