Adobe Connect 9.6 upgrade checklist

Important information needed to prepare for Connect 9.6


This article applies to Adobe Connect versions that supports Adobe Connect add-in. Starting Nov 2017, Adobe introduced the new Adobe Connect application for desktop that replaces the old Adobe Connect add-in for Adobe Connect version 9.x and later. If you are on Adobe Connect version 8 or earlier, you can continue to use Adobe Connect add-in.

Hosted Adobe Connect accounts will be upgraded starting April 24 2017. Click here to use the 9.6 upgrade widget and find the date of your Adobe hosted account upgrade.

The following information is what is required to ensure that you can access Meetings, Seminars, Events, and the Connect Web Application. The checklist describes the changes and provides additional support documentation where necessary.

New Connect Add-in 

There will be a new required version of the Adobe Connect Add-in for Connect 9.6.  The new minimum required version will be 11.9.979.355 for Windows and 11.9.979.366 for Mac OS, but we recommend using the latest version available. Adobe Connect Add-in is required for functionality specific to meeting Hosts and Presenters on Windows and Mac OS. For more information, and links to download the latest add-in, click here to review the latest Add-in Release Notes.

For a list of issues resolved in Connect 9.6, see the Connect 9.6 Release Notes here:  Adobe Connect 9.6 Release Notes.

Connect 9.6 off-line help 

Starting in Connect 9.6, all in-product help files will be hosted from  Customers with On-Premise installations of Connect that are on isolated networks that are not connected to the internet or block access to the domain will need to install the Connect 9.6 off-line help patch.  This will allow those users to access help pages from within the Adobe Connect.  The off-line help patch with installation instructions can be download from here.

For On-Premise customers, the upgrade to Adobe Connect 9.6 is in the form of a full installer. For full details on the upgrade workflows, see the install instructions included in the Connect 9.6 installer package.  Note: This patch will be available after May 5 2017 via the Connect 9 Patches page here and will be distributed via the Adobe Licensing (LWS) website.


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