Последна актуализация на
18.01.2022 г.
Също се прилага за Adobe Connect 9
This article applies to Adobe Connect versions that supports Adobe Connect add-in. Starting Nov 2017, Adobe introduced the new Adobe Connect application for desktop that replaces the old Adobe Connect add-in for Adobe Connect version 9.x and later. If you are on Adobe Connect version 8 or earlier, you can continue to use Adobe Connect add-in.
The upgrade to Adobe Connect 9.2 requires the following changes to ensure that users can access meetings, seminars, events, and the Connect Web application. The checklist describes the changes and provides additional support documentation where needed.
- Adobe Flash Player 11.2 is now officially the minimum requirement for attending meetings and logging in to the Connect Web application. Download the latest version of Flash Player.
- The latest version of the Adobe Connect Add-in is 11.9.949.0 for Windows and Mac OS. Adobe Connect Add-in is required for functionality specific to meeting Hosts and Presenters on Windows and Mac OS. The minimum required version of the add-in for Adobe Connect 9.1 is 11.9.949.0 for both Windows and Mac OS. For more information, and links to download the latest add-in, click here to review the latest TechNote.
- With the release of Connect 9.2, the following Operating Systems are no longer supported. Users can still enter meetings, events, and seminars. But if support is required, the user is asked to upgrade to a supported operating system.
- Windows Vista
- Mac OS X 10.6.X
For more information about Adobe Connect 9.2, see the following links.
- Click here to use the 9.2 upgrade widget and find the date of your Adobe hosted account.
- What's new in Adobe Connect 9.2
- Introducing Adobe Connect 9.2