Adobe Connect 12.6 Release Notes

This document contains details about the Adobe Connect 12.6 release, including release dates, technical requirements, upgrades, improvements, and known issues.


Adobe Connect enables you to create rich digital training, webinars, and collaboration experiences. For an overview of Adobe Connect, see

Adobe Connect 12.6 is a minor release introducing new features, improvements to existing features, greater accessibility, and fixes to known issues.

Release dates

Adobe Connect 12.6 will roll out in the following phases:

Hosted services:

Upgrades will begin on Mar 21, 2024. See Adobe Connect Downloads and Updates to determine the upgrade date for your account.

On-premise deployments:

Will be available during the third week of May 2024.

Managed services:

Contact your Adobe Connect Managed Services (ACMS) representative, or private cloud provider, to schedule an upgrade.

What's new in Adobe Connect 12.6

Broadcast Control for Adobe Connect sessions

Broadcast control provides an explicit button for the host to start broadcasting to the entire audience. Until then the presentation team can confer amongst themselves without being heard by participants and can test their audio/video feeds. Even when the session is not live, participants will be able to enter the room and see the active layout, but they will not be able to see or hear the hosts and presenters till the broadcast is started. In effect, the broadcast control results in creating a “virtual green room” for the presentation team.

  • This feature will be supported only on mobile app version 3.6 and above. Participants trying to join a session, with Broadcast Control enabled, from an older app version will need to update their app or join from a mobile browser.


Short answer question type in Quiz pod

A new question type, 'Short answer' has been added to the Quiz pod. A short answer type question only has question text and there are no answer options. The response to short answer questions will not be evaluated when computing scores. The responses to the short answer type questions will be included in the current quiz pod reports available in Connect Central.


Quiz pod import/ export questions

Controls to import / export quiz questions have been introduced to make is easier it to setup up the quiz pod. The feature supports GIFT and CSV file formats for both import and export.


Diarized Transcripts for recordings (beta)

Transcripts will be generated for all meeting recordings if transcription is enabled from the room preferences. The transcripts will be diarized i.e., it will show the speaker’s name. Transcripts will be available for viewing during session recording playback (if enabled by the host). The hosts will be able to edit the automatically generated transcripts.

Closed captions inside Breakout Rooms

Closed captions will be available inside breakout rooms. Since breakout rooms are not recorded, these captions will also not be available with recordings.

  • Breakout rooms in Adobe Connect mobile apps do not support Closed Caption currently. The support will be added with a future app release.


Mixed Audio in Breakout Rooms

Universal Voice/Mixed Audio will be available within Breakout Rooms. Universal Voice/Mixed Audio is a way to build a bridge between telephony communication and VoIP communication so that users connected from VoIP can communicate with users connected from telephony and vice versa. Presently, the UV functionality is limited to the Main room only.

  • With Adobe Connect 12.6, only Meeting One will support mixed audio in breakout rooms. The support for Conference America and more adaptors will  be added with future releases.


Engagement Dashboard to report data for participants by default

The Engagement Dashboard will only report the participant engagement by default. The roles to be used for engagement calculation can be customized by visiting the Tracking option from the Engagement Dashboard pod menu.


Recording playback speed control

A setting to control the playback speed of recordings will be available. The setting will offer different speed options to slow down or fasten the playback speed.


PDF document sharing zoom enhancement

PDF documents sharing in share pods has been improved to optimize the use of the space available. Earlier the documents did not scale up to occupy the maximum possible space available and this hindered the sharing of documents especially presentations in PDF format.


Classic Mobile Applications decommissioned 

Adobe Connect classic mobile applications (‘Adobe Connect Classic’ on Android and ‘Adobe Connect’ on iOS) are being retired, and going forward only the new and enhanced versions of the mobile applications (‘Adobe Connect’ on Android and ‘Adobe Connect New’ on iOS) will be supported.  Users can no longer enter sessions held on Adobe Connect 12.6 version, from the classic mobile applications. Any user accessing Adobe Connect 12.6 rooms from classic mobile applications will be prompted to install the new application. 

For more information, see Upgrade from classic to new Adobe Connect mobile application


On 31st May 2024, Adobe Connect classic mobile applications will be removed from the Google Play and Apple App Store. While current users can still access the application on their phones, new users won't have the option to download and install it any longer. 

Miscellaneous changes and fixes
  • Adobe Connect will remember the speaker & mic device preferences and will intelligently switch to the right device.
  • The icon for unread private chat messages has been updated to improve the discoverability of unread messages.
  • Multiple fixes to aria-labels, and roles to improve accessibility of in-room options.
  • Storage quota alert notifications will be available for admins to setup in Connect Central.
  • A meeting room will be created automatically for new users provisioned with named host license. This will ease their onboarding to Connect.
  • Third-party library updates:
    • JDK will be updated to ver 1.8.0_391
    • Tomcat will be updated to ver 9.0.84

Patch for On-Premise customers

An patch will be available for on-premise customers to upgrade to 12.6.


For more information on the new features and enhancements in Adobe Connect 12.6, see What's New in Adobe Connect.

System requirements

For the latest system requirements, see the Adobe Connect Technical Specifications page.

Upgrade paths for on-premise deployments

Here are the prerequisites for this release:

  • From Adobe Connect 9.x, upgrade to Adobe Connect 12.5 before applying this patch
  • From Adobe Connect 10.x, upgrade to Adobe Connect 12.5 before applying this patch
  • From Adobe Connect 11.x, upgrade to Adobe Connect 12.5 before applying this patch
  • From Adobe Connect 12.x, upgrade to Adobe Connect 12.5 before applying this patch

Issues resolved in server version 12.6

Issue Tracking Number

Issue Description

4136359 Engagement Dashboard will by default report metrics for participants only
4136378, 4148004 Fixed an issue where the emails for duplicated events were not triggered correctly.
4138266 Fixed an issue where the PDF annotations did not appear at the same position for host and participants.
4142701 Fixed an issue where certain options within Q&A pod were not accessible through keyboard
4142748 Introduced support for closed captions in breakout rooms
4143221 Fixed an issue where hyperlinks in PPTX files did not render as expected
4143241 Fixed multiple issues to improve the accessibility of the Quiz pod
4143791 Fixed an issue where charts in PPTX files did not render as expected
4144391 Fixed an issue where registered users for an event, received duplicate emails on event modification
4145428 Fixed an issue where images in PPTX files did not render as expected
4146122 Participants joining the session after closed captions have started will be notified of the same
4146453 Fixed a DoS security vulnerability
4146494 Fixed an issue where the PPT backgrounds inherited from the Slide Master were not visible
4146913 Fixed an issue where the recordings took a long time to start
4147170 Fixed an issue where the content displayed when scrolling the Notes Pod was not recorded
4147200, 4149254, 4149845 Fixed issues where the session recording failed to start
4147558 Fixed an issue where hosts were shown a wrong message about recording failure but the recording was started successfully
4147676 Fixed an issue where 'Administrator-Limited' group members were not able to access search from Connect Central
4147865 Fixed an issue where Force Presenter View did not work as expected when sharing screen through a browser
4147880 Fixed an issue where the event data was not reported if the event room was launched by the host much earlier than the scheduled time
4147903 Fixed an issue where the 'Allow attendees to use the raise hand function' within room preferences was not remembered across sessions
4147933, 4149105 Fixed an issue where the attendance report did not report accurate attendance duration for participants who dropped and rejoined multiple times.
4148305 Fixed an issue where some rooms showed a not found error on launch
4148383 Fixed multiple issues to improve the search performance within Connect Central
4148385, 4149107 Fixed issues with session recordings being corrupt or blank
4148466 Fixed an issue where the screen share preview froze for the host
4148669 Fixed an issue which caused PDF annotations to display on the wrong page
4149476 Fixed an issue where a session recording was stuck in 'currently being processed' state
4149789 Fixed an issue where a session crashed if it was being held in a room which was based on a template that included Quiz pod
4149803 Fixed an issue where links pushed by the host from Web Links pod launched in the same tab
4149886 Fixed an issue where the recording sometimes blurred out and stopped playing
4149982 Fixed an issue where content in on-demand events did not play on mobile devices
4149984 Fixed an issue where standard recordings were not audible during playback when launched in a browser

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