Fix error "Invitations service is disabled"

Learn how you can fix the "Invitations service is disabled" error.

If you see the error message “Invitations service is disabled,” you won’t be able to use the Share, Share for review, or Invite to edit features in Photoshop or other applications

Error "Invitations service is disabled"

If invitations aren't available, it might be because:

  • Sharing is disabled in your organization. Check the sharing restrictions in the Admin Console.
  • We detected possible fraudulent activity or misuse on your account. Invitations are disabled if accounts don't follow the Adobe General Terms of Use
  • The invitations service is experiencing an outage. View the status of the Invitations service.

To solve this issue, contact an administrator in your organization for help. They can check the sharing settings in the Admin Console under Settings > Asset settings > Sharing options.

If the problem continues, contact our customer support through chat, phone, or the Admin Console.

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