On the Lightroom on the web homepage, select All Photos.
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3.12.2024 г.
Learn how to apply various effects to photos.
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Follow along with any project to learn how to apply effects.
Select an image to open it in detail view, and then select Edit .
Within the Effects dropdown, adjust the following sliders:
Move the slider left and right to get the desired result. Move the slider left and right to get the desired result. - Texture: Smooth or accentuate textured details in your photo. Move the slider to the left to smoothen details; move it to the right to accentuate details. When you adjust the Texture slider, the color or tonality does not change.
- Clarity: Change the contrast around the edges of objects in your photo. Move the slider to the left to soften edges; move it to the right to increase edge contrast.
- Dehaze: Reduce or remove the haze or fog in an image, revealing more detail and clarity. Move the slider to the left to add simulated haze; move it to the right to remove haze.
- Vignette: Make the outer edges of the photo lighter or darker. Move the slider left and right to adjust the Vignette sliders:
- Feather: Lower values reduce softening between the vignette and the vignette’s surrounding pixels. Higher values increase the softening.
- Midpoint: Lower values apply the Amount adjustment to a larger area away from the corners. Higher values restrict the adjustment to an area closer to the corners.
- Roundness: Lower values make the vignette effect more oval. Higher values make the vignette effect more circular.
- Highlights: Lower values reduce highlight contrast preservation when the Amount is negative, while higher values enhance it, ideal for photos with small highlights like candles and lamps.
- Grain: Control the amount, size, and roughness of the grain effect of an image.
- Size: Allows you to adjust the overall intensity of the grain effect.
- Roughness: Allows the sharpness or definition of the grain particles.
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